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Research On The Impact Of Students’ Understanding Role Models On Entrepreneurial Intention

Posted on:2015-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428965212Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the expansion of college enrollment, the number of college graduates increased,plus society in the transformation of economic development patterns of college students’employment situation is increasingly serious, and entrepreneurship as the key to solve theproblem of college students’ employment, and play an important role in promotingeconomic development of a ring, and gradually become the focus of the scholars at homeand abroad research. To ease college students employment pressure, countries have issueda large number of policy measures to encourage college students’ entrepreneurship.Specific to colleges and universities, the first to cultivate college students’ entrepreneurialintention to lay foundation for the self-employed after graduation, college students’entrepreneurial intention for predicting the future college students entrepreneurial behavioris of important value. Second, understand the determinants of entrepreneurial intention andentrepreneurial behavior can help education staff looking for the right way to inspirecollege students’ entrepreneurial intention.Through the analysis of the background and the research on entrepreneurial intentionsrelated theory system, this paper determines the research topic. In combination with relatedliterature to college students’ entrepreneurial model as the independent variable; Collegestudents’ entrepreneurial intention as the dependent variable, and can be divided intounconditional entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial intention of conditional twodimensions; By applying the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a intervening variable, isdivided into subjective norms, entrepreneurial attitude and perceived control threedimensions, on the basis of constructing the theoretical model, and put forward relevantassumptions, through questionnaire to collect data for empirical research, aims to explorecollege students entrepreneurial model influence mechanism of entrepreneurial intentionsof university students.Based on the results of the empirical research to get the following conclusions:(1)entrepreneurship education on college students’ entrepreneurial intention of unconditional,college students’ subjective norms and entrepreneurial attitude has significant positiveinfluence.(2) college students entrepreneurial model on college students’ unconditionaland conditional entrepreneurial intention have significant positive influence.(3) the TPBon college students’ entrepreneurial intention have significant positive effects, includingsubjective norm has positive influence on college students’ entrepreneurial intention,entrepreneurial attitude has positive influence on college students’ entrepreneurial intention, perceived control significant positive influence on college students’ entrepreneurialintention.(4) the entrepreneurial model on college students’ subjective norms andentrepreneurial attitude has a very positive impact.(5) the TPB model in college students’entrepreneurship plays an intermediary role on its entrepreneurial intention.In this paper, we study the innovation place mainly reflected in four aspects:(1)through the literature review of previous studies, found that entrepreneurial intentionresearch focus more focused on enterprise employees, combining with the socialwidespread, the background of "employment" from college graduate studies theinfluencing factors of the entrepreneurial intention of college students to solve the problemof difficult employment offer some guidance advice.(2) the innovative from collegestudents entrepreneurial model, from the perspective of entrepreneurial model to study theinfluence on college students’ entrepreneurial intention, this little research direction ofdomestic scholars, this article made a bold attempt in this respect and the beneficialdiscussion.(3) in this paper, the TPB as intermediary variables, through empirical researchto explore TPB model in college students’ entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention toplay intermediary effect.This article mainly adopted in the process of data collection is based on a particularmoment of lateral survey method, sampling and investigation of university mainlyconcentrated in the province, did not consider provincial colleges and universities,therefore, there are some shortcomings of this paper, the author will further strengthen andimprove in the later research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Understanding Role Models, Entrepreneurial Intention, Theory of PlanedBehavior
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