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Research Of OLD-AGE Security Problems In Linying Courty Of Henan Province

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X B CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330428478939Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the ageing process in China, old-age security in rural area is a tough question needed to be solved urgently. Establishing a healthy old-age security for rural people is a necessity for building a well-off and hamonious society in an all-around way; an important standard to evaluate social civilization and development level; and an unavaidable responsibility for any country. Since Chinese reform and opening up policy has been conducted for thirty years, planned economy system has been gradually transformed into market-oriented one in China. As spiritual and material civilization is increased rapidly, the social old-age security system framework has been established. However, the old-age security problems of rural people who account for near sixty percent of the overall population in China are still the loophole in the current security system. Family pension is still the main way of old-age care for Chinese rural people. The function of family pension is weakened with the development of economy and society. In addition, the imperfect of old-age security for rural people in China urges the resolution. Based on the studies of experiences in the developed countries such as German, Swiss and South Korea and the achievements conducted by researchers both in China and overseas, this thesis investigates the old-age security situation in Linying county of Henan province. Questionnaires and interviews were conducted in the paper with an aim to evaluate and provide suggestions for the existing old-age security system.There are six chapters in the thesis.The backgroud and significance of the thesis topic are presented in Chapter1. It also consists of the evaluation of existing studies and the introduction to the research content, methods, approach, and creativity and inadquency of the thesis.The definitions of relevant concepts and the pratical experiences of rural old-age security system in foreign countries are concluded in Chapter2.The existing old-age security pattern for rural people in China is discribed in Chapter3.In Chapter4, analysis on the old-age security situation in Linying county of Henan province is conducted based on the field research. Counter-measure and suggestions for perfecting the Chinese old-age security system are proposed in Chapter5.Chapter6concludes the thesis. By the studies of the old-age security in Linying county of Henan province, possible suggestions and solutions to perfect the existing system are proposed and promoted in the summary.
Keywords/Search Tags:LinYing County Of Henan Province, Old-age Security, Endowment In Surance
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