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Study On The Marketing Strategy Of FBX Tea Co.,Ltd

Posted on:2014-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425969736Subject:Rural and regional development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Tea is the twenty-first Century the most healthy drinks, I also farmers of povertyare important economic crops. Since the refojrm and opening up, China’s rapideconjomics developmenty, tea also met a good time not occur even in a hundred years.In the past ten years, many tea enterprises rely solely on the opportunity, luck, hardwork, and other factors to the rapid expansion. But after entering in twenty-firstCentury, this situation has changed a lot, with the competition becoming more and moresevere, with the transition from the primary to the tea market competition iscompetition, those who do not know the tea market rules or not use modern marketingmeans of tea enterprises, gradually lost the initiative in the competition. Prosperous twoor three years, performance will soon fall and eventually had to withdraw from the teaindustry often seen the phenomenon, has become a "dead ring industry emerging".In this paper, with the "F B X" tea company as the background, the tea industrymacro environment PEST analysis and brand environmbent within the SWOFT analysis,understand the "F B X" tea company tea industry environment, the competitiveenvironment and the purchasing behavior of consumers, to find their own strengths andweaknbesses, opportbunities for understabnding and threats, and puts forward themarketing strategy and ensure the implementation of the measures. Can marketingstrategy study enriched with the tea enterprise as the starting point in theory, especiallythe study of specific marketing strategy in middle and small size enterprises. Hope thepolice can wake up the tea enterprises to understand the importbance of marketingstratbegy.
Keywords/Search Tags:tea, marketing stratbegy, marketing
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