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The Study On The Optimization And Upgrading Of China’s Life Insurance Sales Channels

Posted on:2014-04-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since China resumed the insurance industry, it has made tremendous progress in nearly three decades. The gap in depth and breadth of the life insurance market between mature markets and China’s life insurance show that there is huge space for future development of the life insurance market. However, the actual performance of the life insurance market in recent years is not ideal. The phenomenon such as:a large number of life insurance companies premium income growth has slowed down; Lapse rate, loss ratio both increased significantly; solvency weakened. About the sales channels individual agency channel is sink into difficult to remain or add members; the fatigue growth of bancassurance channel; serious sales misleading; all these phenomenon deeply affected the healthy development of the life insurance industry.The development of the life insurance can do nothing without the support the sales channels. So there is necessity and urgency to explore how to solve the existing problems that various sales channels are facing. Therefore, this study is based on the existing channel, dissect the problems, according to the trend of the development of the life insurance market, explore the way to optimization and upgrading of the life insurance sales channels.The specific sections of this paper is organized as follows:Chapter1is an introduction, put forward the background and significance of this study, summarized domestic and foreign research of this topic, the methods using to research.given the innovation and deficiencies. Chapter2introduced theoretical knowledge as the basis of the insurance sales channels. This part is divided into two main parts:First, life insurance and its products characteristics, Then is about channels theory and their characteristics. Chapter3discussed in detail about the characteristics and status quo of the evolution of the development of China’s life insurance sales channels especially the six main channels. Chapter4commentary on the maturity life insurance market in Japan and Taiwan. Including both the course of their development,the production composition characteristics and channels development, also get the conclusion of what can were learn from the mature life insurance market. Chapter5is on the basis of the aforementioned content,at first, analysis the macroeconomic factors of the development of the life insurance industry, and then summarized on the life insurance industry and its sales channels of the future development trend. Thereby research the measures that could advancing the life insurance sales channels optimization and upgrading. Chapter6is the end of this article that summarizes the basic conclusions of the study, then look forward for the development of the field.Domestic research always expands from the point of view, of the channel itself, when talking on china’s life insurance sales channels. According to the requirements of life insurance companies and the characteristics of the channels to get optimization measures.This article concerned about the overall trends in life insurance sales channels, while research it’s characteristics, and all the research on the basis of a combination of both.The innovation of this article is try to combine the analysis about macro and micro perspective, not only account the characteristics of the sales channels into consideration, but also the whole life insurance and channels development. The research is based on the trend,so that we can get the conclusions useful.
Keywords/Search Tags:life insurance, sales channels, optimization and upgrading
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