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Performance Evaluation Of Land Expropriation In Hebei Province

Posted on:2014-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425952838Subject:Land Resource Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is based on the land expropriation of recent situation in hebeiprovince as the research object. By looking at the hebei economic statistics yearbookand "statisticalyearbook of land and resources, as well as the online collection ofrelated data supplied by the ministry of public USES dynamic data from2002to2010,The article builds land expropriation and the performance evaluation indicators, and itmakes comprehensive and systematic analysis.The following conclusions are:(1) This research constructs the performance evaluation index system oflandexpropriation in hebei province. Mainly based on the following points: first,Landacquisition targets; Second, draw lessons from past research to construct indexevaluation system of land expropriation and experience; Third, follow certainprinciples of build indexes. Hebei land expropriation indicators evaluation systemincluding economy, structure, justice three aspects of content, total three target layer isestablished, and seven criteria layer,21indicators.(2)To calculate the performance value of the land expropriation in hebei province.First has carried on the processing to the data for the selected indicators, introducedthe data in the processing of correlation test, the standardization of evaluationmethods; Second, to the after processing to meet the requirements of indicators forapproval, the approval when the weight coefficient of variation method adoptedobjectively; Third, determine the target value of land expropriation and theperformance evaluation in hebei province; Finally, its function value is obtained byusing the efficacy function model, and using the multi-index comprehensiveevaluation system model to calculate the performance values.(3) The performance of land expropriation in hebei province were analyzed.Economic effect value change rule of performance: from2002to2002, economiceffect the performance of the value of land expropriation system presents the changelaws of up-down-up slowly.2004performance peak value of the economic effect,and the adjacent near2004years performance value declined obviously, begin from2007, reverse the decline began, to2010, the study period, the economic effect ofmaximum performance. Structure effect value change rule of performance:constitutive effect the performance of the value relative to the variations in theperformance values of economic effect is small, the number of land expropriation structure rationalization and spatial rationalization two indicators are no big ups anddowns. Fair effect performance value change rule: from2002to2002, declining faireffect performance value of the land expropriation system, in2005to2005, the faireffect trend of smaller amplitude increase in performance value, starting in2008, faireffect performance value of the land expropriation system has increased dramatically.(4) Analyze the performance change of land expropriation. Performance trends in2002-2004root cause analysis: fuzzy right subject, farmers will not express,information asymmetry, etc have not fundamentally solve the problems, lead to thedevelopment of the land expropriation and the fairness of the effect and structuraleffect exist obstacles. Performance trend changes cause analysis: from2004to2006in2004, the state council issued the state council on deepening the reform of landmanagement decisions ", the compensation standard for land expropriation,compensation principle, the problem such as land acquisition procedures, the land-lostfarmers resettlement way has carried on the reform and innovation; In addition,countries to energetically rectify the land market. Performance trend changes causeanalysis: in2008-2010economic crisis of2008caused serious impact to our countryeconomy, especially for the land market management, caused serious influence,starting in2009, our country began to tackle the financial crisis, the implementation ofa series of countermeasures produced results, specific performance for the2010landacquisition performance values in hebei province began to improve.(5) Put forward the Suggestions on further perfecting the land expropriation inhebei province. In terms of land expropriation and the economic effect, should try tocontrol the growth of the commercial housing land; Efforts to explore the land incomeallocation mechanism; Stable land circulation market., in the structure of landexpropriation effect, dealing with limits on the power of the government; Rationalplanning of land use; Trying to explore high-tech industries to promote thedevelopment of economy in our country; Optimize the proportion of industrial land.The justice in land expropriation effect, shall establish system employment systemand social security system; Set up the judicial relief in cubic system; Land directlyinto the primary market; Raise the standards of land expropriation compensation.By analyzing the performance of land expropriation system in hebei province canhelp us find out the obstacles existing in the land expropriation.So we can find theways from three aspects of economy, structure, fair to improve the system of landexpropriation in hebei province.
Keywords/Search Tags:Land expropriation, The performance evaluation, The multi-targetcomprehensive evaluation
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