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Measure And Influencing Factors Of Regional Equalization Of Basic Public Services

Posted on:2013-01-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330425461185Subject:Applied Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to The18th National Congress of the Communist Party of Chinareleased of the latest compendium, We must actively promote the process ofequalization of basic public services. By2020, realizing the equalization of basicpublic services target. It is an important factor for the transformation of economicdevelopment mode and the optimization of economic structural in the new period. Ithelps to ease the social tension and promote the social equity. Meanwhile, it is animportant mean to deepen the reform of government institutions and to build aservice-oriented government. Gradually achieving the equalization of basic publicservices is not only the inherent requirement of Building a harmonious society, butalso an important element in the people’s livelihood finance construction.To depth analysis of basic public services through the improvement of people’slivelihood fiscal equalization intrinsic role in promoting coordinated regionaldevelopment, and to propose the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions, thispaper first analyzed the related connotations in equalization of basic public servicesand in people’s livelihood and Fiscal Policy, answered the questions of what is basicpublic services and what is the meaning of equalization of basic public services.According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, it classify from low to high on thebasic public service content according to requirements. It turn into public securityservice, the basic livelihood service, basic public service, public utilities service.Secondly, in order to further explore and improve the effective ways to achieveregional equalization of basic public services, this paper mainly analyzed the currentsituation of the basic public services spending in the regional level, and determinedthe expenditure emphasis of people’s livelihood and financial on the basis of an indexsystem established for the evaluation of the basic public services in regional level.Specifically, the economic status in the eastern region is relatively high, and theexpenditure structure could be properly adjusted to focusing more on basic service ofthe people’s living; In the central area, expenditure in public utility services should begiven relatively high priorities; the economic status in the western region is relativelylow, in order to provide a powerful backing for economic development, great effortsshould be made on public basic services development, and the investment ininfrastructure need to be increased. Finally, this paper modeled the Influential Factors of Public Service Equalityfrom the perspectives of the government positioning, level of regional development,intergovernmental transfers, and general transfer payments and tax, etc., and thenproposed recommendations of how to optimize the financial expenditure structure inorder to improve people’s livelihood.
Keywords/Search Tags:Basic Public Services, Equalization, Fiscal Policy, Regional CoordinatedDevelopment
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