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The Study Of Food Safety Governance Model Problem In Our Country

Posted on:2014-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422961991Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Food is a necessity for human to survive. Ever since the development of human society,food has played an extremely important role in every social form. For all to see, the foodindustry has promoted GDP since Chinese food industry has grown and expanded. It has beenand will continue to be one of the pillar industries for our national economy development,and its prosperity has greatly met our growing material and cultural needs. With modernscience and technology developing and the period of economic restructuring arriving, foodproducers are facing interest temptation, and even abducted by interest groups, resulting thatthey leave food safety behind their minds and make it common to see that economic interestis above the top off food safety, meanwhile, an endless stream of food safety incidents. As thefood issue involves everyone’s health and well-being of life, thus it by no means a minorityof personal troubles, but a typical public problem that affects the quality of public life.Therefore, according to Mills, an American sociologist, food issue is a typical social problem.The government is the first responsibility to deal with public issues in current China, wheresocial development is dominated by the government. Examining the situation, the States hashad a variety of ways, and “multi-pronged” approach to solve the problem, through economic,administrative, legal, and moral ways, improving the food security situation to some extent,but generally speaking, the situation overall is not optimistic.Food safety has the feature of commonality, and it is one of the classic public goods thatgovernment must provide. Food safety and government have a close connection, too.According to the government role theory, we know that government plays multiple roles insocial management. As to food safety, I believe that the government acts as a regulator, aguide, a coordinator and a communicator. By understanding the relationship betweengovernment and enterprises, government and the third-party, with improved regulatory ability,pay more attention to the guidance of enterprise standardization; third sector involvementwith a majority of industry association; and the participation and governance of experts andconsumers.By studying the current food safety governance model, this paper in-depth analyzes thefood safety model of developed countries, and makes informative summary, exploring the optimal path of Chinese food safety governance model-Interactive multi-subjects mode.Through expanding participation subjects, improving participatory approaches andtransforming ideas on governance, to achieve optimization of food safety governance; astable order of food industry; and stability and harmony of the whole society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Food safety, Governance model, Governance
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