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Luoyang New Area Planning Of Logistics Park Development

Posted on:2014-08-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y K ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330422456461Subject:Logistics engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Logistics park is relatively concentrated area of logistics facilities and logisticsenterprise, to regional economic development and reduce logistics operation cost haveplayed a crucial role, more and more attention by various countries government. In ourcountry, with the continuous development of modernization, social logistics demandincreasing, our country’s logistics industry also from infancy to rapid developmentphase. Luoyang is one of the important city and henan province in central China, isalso the old industrial base, the economy has been rapid development in recent years,the traditional transportation and warehousing is developed, and government ofluoyang in the12th five-year plan is put forward the strategic thought of "industrialtourism city". Luoyang must, therefore, to speed up the construction of logistics park,the integration of logistics resources. Therefore, the study of new city logistics parkplanning is increasingly important.This article main research content has four aspects, first, introduces thetheoretical foundation of the logistics park, including the causes of logistics park andthe scholars on the definition of modern logistics park, and analyzes several kinds ofdefinition, elaborated his own views. After introduces the types and basic functions oflogistics park and the role of government in the construction of logistics park.Secondly through the luoyang logistics companies and logistics infrastructurefield survey, puts forward the problems of luoyang logistics enterprises at presentstage, as well as some solutions. According to the situation of luoyang city’s economicdevelopment and the use of matlab software to use the secondary exponentialsmoothing luoyang industrial products output and for the future freight volume isforecasted, and puts forward the necessity of construction of new city logistics park ofnew city logistics park after the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges tothe construction of four aspects has carried on the SWOT analysis, and summarized.Before again according to the SWOT analysis of the proposed new city logisticspark in the near future (2015) and long-term (2020) development goals and strategic location, next to the city of luoyang future logistics demand, development goals andstrategic positioning put forward a rational function in the industrial park planning,and then based on the principles of park function planning and its function layout topark layout research was conducted on the internal functional area layout, proposed areasonable function layout in the industrial park. Finally to achieve the construction ofnew city logistics park some guarantee measures are put forward, including thegovernment support, enterprise support and talent guarantee.
Keywords/Search Tags:Luoyang new area, the logistics park, development plan, safeguard measures
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