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A Study On Agricultural Enterprises In Hainan

Posted on:2013-08-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401974368Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Being faced the limitation of the Hainan0.086hectares per capita of cultivated land, the following problems we have to face:small and scattered to realize the production scale to realize agricultural modernization of reality, the implementation of the farm not after the agricultural modernization, Hainan whether can implement the farm.This paper is mainly on the basis of the above problems, based on the existing research results, the use of agricultural production mode theory, transaction cost and enterprise theory, agricultural modernization theory, to small agricultural enterprises and state-owned agricultural enterprises for improving the theme, using standard research and empirical research method, qualitative and quantitative research methods, induction and deduction and research methods, comparison, and system research methods, literature and investigation method and so on.Hainan agricultural enterprises out are analyzed. In agriculture, agricultural enterprises, policy of concepts, such as the definition and the economy, enterprises of agricultural enterprises for the biggest profits of nature and market the pursuit of public interest and market economic system on the assumption of Hainan’s agricultural enterprises on the regulation, construct a research framework:take the Hainan special background based on the necessity of the implementation of Hainan agricultural enterprises and conditionality analysis, and then based on the research of Hainan pushing the agricultural entrepreneurial model, target and policy development stage and generalization. Mainly as follows:1.According to the understanding of Coase, according to the nature of enterprise and the analysis of the origin, in the system of market economy, the enterprise is to save transaction costs and produce a specific economic organization. Farm is our micro management according to the enterprise standard gradually the subject construction. It is the agricultural modernization requirements, the necessity of developing market economy, adjustment of agricultural production the necessary steps. Agriculture the implementation of enterprise, except by itself factors, but also by the policy influence of external conditions. The agricultural production mode theory and the agricultural modernization theory, the realization of agricultural enterprise also inevitable to realize the agricultural modernization. Not the scale, the mechanization of modern production theory, the realization of the farm is impossible.2.The connotation and characteristics of the enterprise, agriculture enterprise and the connotation and characteristics are analyzed, and Hainan agriculture enterprise turns into a special provisions. With Hainan agricultural enterprise into three concepts to treat, namely "farmers+agricultural cooperative", agricultural quasi enterprise and agricultural enterprise. And the farm and the industrialization of agriculture, farm and agricultural modernization, agriculture enterprise and agriculture organization, agriculture enterprise and land contractors’ relationship is defined.3.Hainan agricultural enterprises necessity of analysis. Through to Hainan geographic and agricultural distribution analysis, the existing Hainan agricultural scale is small, maintain production is not contract relationship but geopolitical and blood relationship, hindered the further development of agriculture, and from Hainan now agricultural modernization level is not very high, farmers’ professional culture quality is relatively low, and relates the serious phenomenon of desertation, etc,this paper expounds the necessity of developing the agriculture enterprise. This article from the back of the behavior and performance analysis of the necessity of the two aspects of the restrictions.4.What Hainan implements agricultural enterprises also have a certain advantages. Leading from the market economy system in the rural economy has a certain development base, and then to production material circulation sex more, and then to Hainan government to agriculture on the introduction of the good policy and Hainan agriculture organization and township enterprises have a certain degree of development to analyze the Hainan pushing the agricultural entrepreneurial favorable conditions. The article also analyzes the implementation of Hainan agricultural enterprises constraints, such as the habit of hereditary inheritance to change, land circulation limited, insufficient capital investment, agricultural enterprises cultural quality of the higher on were discussed.5.To Hainan agricultural enterprises of the target, mode and stage of development is analyzed. According to the analysis, we developed the following goals:first, to make self-sufficiency and the stubbornness of agricultural modernization agricultural enterprises operation to change direction, secondly, the standard of the existing agricultural cooperation rectification organization, the power of government intervention in, reasonable guide agricultural enterprises can have an agricultural cooperation organization guarantee their interests, and at the same time, to the existing state agricultural enterprises a market-oriented system, finally, by the use of the enterprise standard, request the agricultural enterprises. Then, we analyzed China’s existing agricultural enterprises mode, and put the Hainan implement agricultural enterprises is divided into three steps of strategy, namely:the start of the two steps "peasants+agricultural cooperation organization" and the enterprise standard construction agricultural enterprises, when the two conditions mature later, we in the full implementation of the agricultural enterprises. Finally, back to Hainan pushing the agricultural enterprise do three stages:the primary stage, intermediate stage and advanced stage, and the characteristics of each stage is analyzed.6.According to Hainan agricultural enterprises made mode selection, Hainan agricultural enterprises policy adjustment should pay attention to the following aspects:the full implementation of the and implement, strengthen the propaganda and leadership, criterion development agriculture organization, play its agricultural enterprises in the process of implementation effect, the reform land circulation system, enhance the financial input to the countryside, etc.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hainan Agricultural enterprises, Agricultural modernization, Modechoosing, Policy study
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