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New Rural Construction In Vietnam

Posted on:2014-10-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401485973Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Discusses the theoretical basis of the new rural construction in rural areas, rural areas, a new socialist countryside construction core concepts of the theory of rural development, urban and rural development, theoretical system evaluation theory, the new rural infrastructure, power system services, transportation, water conservancy system, the system of rural school buildings, rural health centers, clean water and sanitation in rural environment, information and culture, agriculture, forestry, fishery product processing system, the building of the village market, rural credit system, rural handicrafts, township government and continuously improve the rural economy continues to develop, the villagehousehold income and accumulate capital and increase the status of the new rural construction in Vietnam and analysis of the existing problems. The purpose and content of the new rural construction in Vietnam, highlighted the effectiveness of the new rural construction in Vietnam.Analysis of the main problems of the the Vietnam new rural construction process, that the problem arose mainly from two aspects of the objective reasons and subjective reasons. That the more the similarities and differences of the new rural construction.Summarize the experiences and lessons of China’s new rural construction and Vietnam. Finally, play the main role of farmers in building a new countryside, continue to do a good job in rural poverty alleviation, promotion of employment and entrepreneurship of farmers and increase their income, give priority to the development of new rural areas, strengthen rural infrastructure, to the farmers’ production and the development of science and technology to support and strengthen the construction of new rural cadres training, training, mobilization of a variety of sources (such as organizations, individuals, private enterprises, national, foreign) funds into rural areas, the establishment of agricultural insurance mechanism to protect the interests of farmers in the production process, as the production activities of the various forms of rural organizations efficiently create an enabling environment, the social organization of the the sound ruling party and the rural areas, policies and recommendations for rural residents a direct interest in services.
Keywords/Search Tags:VietNam New rural construction Agriculture, farmers, ruralThree rural
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