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The Research For The Urumqi Market Open Up Of The Pomegranate In The Ka-shi Region

Posted on:2014-08-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M N S A W D AFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330401454302Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pomegranate is one of the most important fruit in Ka-shi. The development of pomegranateindustry is conducive to the protection of the ecological environment, and also conducive toincreasing the income of farmers and to solve the three rural problems. At present, most Ka-shipomegranate is sold in the local, but with the increasing planting area and productivity ofKa-shi pomegranate year by year, the sales situation is hard. Ka-shi local market is limited, mustvigorously develop other markets in Xinjiang, especially the high consumption of big city suchas Urumqi. To make the farmers and operators to obtain more objective income, and promotingthe better development of Ka-shi pomegranate industry.In this paper, taking Ka-shi pomegranate and Urumqi market as the object research, on thebasis of the investigation for the Ka-shi pomegranate production status and the Urumqi marketsituation of suppling and demanding. Using the regional industrial structure theory, contestablemarket theory, agricultural industrialization theory, economies of scale and beneficial of scaletheory, Swot analysis and other theory and method. Through the questionnaire, qualitativeanalysis, and combined with analysis of ordered Probit model, aims to find the key factors ofaffecting Ka-shi pomegranate to open up the Urumqi market, and gives the correspondingcounter measures and suggestions.Through the analysis and draws the following conclusions: Ka-shi pomegranate in Urumqimarket has the higher sharing, high visibility, but the purchase rate is lower, the main reasons oflow Ka-shi pomegranate purchase rate is the higher price and a shorter shelf life. In addition, theUrumqi consumers to the Ka-shi pomegranate consumption also because of income level,cultural degree, and the different of gender showed significant difference.Therefore, in order to make the Ka-shi pomegranate could better sold in Urumqi, Ka-shipomegranate should clear market positioning first. Second, based on the change in marketdemand to promoting the industry and product upgrading, improving products quality,strengthen the brand construction and protection. Third, prolong the storage period of adjustingsupply. Fourth, reasonable pricing. Fifth, accelerate the construction of marketing channels.Sixth, according to the regional distribution of "three excellent" principles to the establishmentof pomegranate fruit basing. Seventh, enhance the technology content of pomegranate products.Eighth, around the industry structure adjustment, vigorously develop the rural specializedcooperative organization. Ninth, increase policy supporting and some other measures ofmarketing.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ka-shi pomegranate, Open up, Urumqi Market, Research
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