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Total Quality Management In Quality Inspection In Guangxi

Posted on:2013-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S J LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2269330392470711Subject:Industrial Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Total quality management in the United States in the1960s, and later gradually beenimproved with the development in Western Europe and Japan and other developedcountries is important and disciplines of the modern enterprise management. It is theapplication of mathematical statistical methods of quality management to achievequantitative quality control methods for quality control in the production process tochange the original post hoc test. The effective implementation of total qualitymanagement, can greatly enhance business efficiency, more rational, scientific andefficient production operations and inventory management, to mention greatly improvethe efficiency of the work of each department and at the same time the costs have beenreduced, so that the company management solutions continue to innovate and improve,thereby increasing the market share and competitiveness of enterprise products andservices. Its effectiveness and practicality, the comprehensive quality management hasbeen widely use in many enterprises.This document describes in detail a comprehensive quality management of the corecontent and its rise, and the process of development, specifically addressed thecontemporary theory of total quality management, and popular opinion for furtherresearch into comprehensive quality management program built laid the theoreticalfoundation. Analysis of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region quality inspection andmanagement characteristics, analysis of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region qualityinspection and management of the status quo, and the comb of the Guangxi qualityhomes some of the issues. Quality inspection center of Guangxi Zhuang AutonomousRegion overall current situation a brief analysis, so that the comprehensive qualitymanagement quality homes in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region has built a clearbackground. From the Guangxi quality homes, basic conditions for a full range offinishing, and analyzed the quality management process with the results. Finally, on thebasis of this test, a confrontation that the optimized for quality management, specificproblems with the study, the Lean Thinking through Guangxi quality homes of qualitymanagement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Total quality management, quality inspection in Guangxi, ContinuousImprovement
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