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Design And Implementation Of Xinjiang Normal University Employment Management System

Posted on:2015-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:E X D W T TuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428998819Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, as people’s degree of emphasis on education continues to improve,graduates of data increased dramatically. According to Ministry of Education statistics, in2014the country is expected to reach7.27million college graduates. This means that,following this year’s college graduates reached6.99million, was called "the hardest jobseason in the history", the2014will be augmented by a further280,000, Create a new record.A sharp increase in the total amount of college graduates, leading to employment needs tobecome more prominent structural contradictions, will undoubtedly increase hugeemployment pressure, the proportion of employment growth in demand and supply of talentemployer imbalance will cause a lot of employment of graduates is difficult, the state trainingcolleges to spend a lot of talent on the human and financial resources will suffer huge losses.Also, the concept of employment of graduates and career direction will become a hugeemployment pressure in the distorted, or even contrary to rush job, give up their dreams,switch to other industries. In addition to employing the difficult employment seriousimbalance in the structure of demand for this reason, the reason is that the other needs to payattention to it can not be done to maximize information sharing. A large number of collegegraduates have the ability to get an effective employer demand information, there is no way tofind the right job, the same employer for more information candidates can not get to make thebest of it, people do their job.Xinjiang Normal University has nearly three million students each year for outstandinggraduates of social output of nearly6,000people, this part of the student’s major employmentpathways for campus recruitment, talent market their own careers or school Shuangxuan tosociety caused huge employment pressure. At the same time, the employer can not knowexactly the direction of employment and personal abilities of the graduates, recruitmentblindly consuming waste of time and human and financial resources, employmentmanagement system proposed to solve this problem, unified and effective managementgraduate job information, and improve employer recruitment information through the Interneta powerful real-time information sharing capabilities, network double election, the employercan choose anywhere for their own development personnel, job seekers can also be found onthe Internet for their own jobs, achieve Both sides win, so that personnel can play their role in their own positions, and actively promote the development of enterprises, the socialconstruction escort.Given the need for the actual situation, the system uses the J2EE platform, using Oracledatabase as data storage media and systems deployed on WinServer2008, the system uses B/S structure to complete the project development, the performance of the foreground layerusing EasyUI as a framework that powerful, great significance for the development of theentire project to save the workload, and more than expected results, business logic usingSpring3.2do technical support, excellent Ioc mechanism and AOP programming ideas for thedevelopment of the entire project becomes more layered, code coupling was reduced,enhancing reusability, increased project robustness, more importantly, laid the foundation forfuture extensions. Hibernate3persistence layer using entity relationship mapping to completethe whole project using object-oriented ideas to be developed, Hibernate framework as JAVAindustry outstanding persistence framework can be embodied in an object-oriented thinkingglance, convenient system objects materialized, and under Hibernate for object managementcontrol, make the system more stable and enhanced data security. For large amounts of dataneed to be imported in the form of a document to the needs of the system through theintroduction of plug-ins as Apache POI document processing tool, complete the import andexport of data, thereby improving the usability of the system.The project uses the "Access Control (RBAC) role-based" approach, implement customroles, access control through roles to complete user access control, and user permissions canbe configured independently to improve the system’s configuration capabilities. Systemadministrators define roles, candidates, employers administrator, employer recruiters, etc., bycontrolling permissions and roles to control the user’s role attribution to achieve unity is veryeasy to control user permissions purposes.Tested and modified several times, the current system has been able to stabilizeemployment management operation, has reached the desired functionality, can effectivelysolve the problem raised earlier, such as: the maintenance of student records, candidatesresume archiving, bulk import of student information, the employer basic informationmaintenance, employer recruitment information release, upload and download all kinds offiles, and so on.
Keywords/Search Tags:J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, EasyUI, employment management system, RBAC
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