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Design And Implementation Of Credit Management System For Banks

Posted on:2015-03-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H GongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428990769Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As China’s economic development, industry competition intensified City Bank.Enterprises have to enhance brand awareness through a variety of means and qualityservices to win more customer recognition, city commercial banks as an importantrole in the banking industry, to promptly follow the trend to accelerate the pace ofinformation. And because commercial banks of information is a huge project anomaly,so here we chose one of the daily is also very important to do a commercial bankcredit management design and implementation, but also hope to provide a referencefor the development of other systems of commercial banks.The paper is organized to select countries J2EE architecture, design patterns arestudied using Struts framework of B/S mode, the system is based on J2EEdevelopment using MVC framework, database using MSSQL Server2000database,we fully analyze bank loan management system after the structure and business needs,the use of software engineering methods, the first step of the management systemrequirements analysis, the second step using a standard modeling language UMLtechnology, the first step of the use case diagram of the system is designed,according to the diagram the main architecture of the overall design of the system,and elaborate management system, the third step is to analyze the main functionmodule system design, including not only the customer information managementmodule and customer credit control module, as well as the approval of the loan centermanagement module and post-lending management tracking module, the fourth stepis based on the above analysis, design and implementation of each module, takingInto account the various processes and various lending business segments.This paper studied the commercial bank loan management system is based onJ2EE and Struts framework technology management system, which has manyadvantages, such as: safety, high portability and reuse of advantages, the mostimportant thing is to develop deployed in heterogeneous environments portableprogram. In addition, it also does not depend on both the specific systems, hardware,middleware, etc. So, the J2EE developers a development loan management systembased on a variety of platforms can be deployed in heterogeneous computingenvironments banking system can do this is crucial.
Keywords/Search Tags:Bank credit, management information system, system analysis, functional modules
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