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Design Of Campus Card Management System

Posted on:2015-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428497899Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the beginning of the twenty-first Century,information constructionhas beendeveloping vigorouslyin all walks of life, the development of the campusinformation construction has become a main part and inevitable requirementofinformation construction. In order to meet the needs of higher education of ourcountry, and improve the level of education comprehensively,the construction ofdigital campushasquickly become the focus of the work of universities and colleges.Only by solving the problem of campus management,can managers keep everythingin good order and arrange work well. It is in this environment that the construction of"digital campus card system" is becoming more and more important. Only bycompleting the construction of campus card system,can universities and collegesmanage students and staffeasily, improve logistics service quality continuously, andensure that all the workis more efficient. The modern informationconstructiondepends mainlyon the development of the advancedcomputer program.The actual situation and problemsin different universities and collegesare not thesame,and therefore, digital campus card systemis different in different universities andcolleges. Only in line with their actual development requirements, can universitiesand colleges ensure the coordination of unified service and management. So we cansay that direct digital campus construction will directly affect the quality of campussocial image."The construction of smart card system"will greatly facilitate theteachers and students,can save a lot of concerns of their study and workeffectivelyreduce the logistics service and educational work burden, and improve the level ofcampus management.Firstly,this paper investigates the background of IC card management system,make a study of the current situation and development trend of card systemdevelopment at home and abroad, and it focuses on the predict of the future of campussmart card. Then this paper analyzes the purpose of campus card system and thesignificance of campus card. This paper studies the overall design method of thesystem development, and decides on the use of the scientific development method. Secondly, the thesis analyses the demand of the whole system scientifically, making aresearch on the feasibility of the system, analyzing the feasibility of the system fromeconomic, technical, management, society and so on and drawing the conclusion ofthe system development. The paper then analyzes the demand of the whole system,and gives the campus network modelandthe overall E-R diagram of card system,andlast analyzes therequirements of the system, interface,attribute, and so on.This thesis mainly studies the system of the canteen management.So thefollowing part makes overall designs of the card system, finding out the technologyand modulethat canteen managements needs. In this part,the paper introduces systemdevelopment tools,database development tools, the B/S structure of web sites,andRFID technology, Then it decomposes the whole system. Finally, we have3main submodules of the system. After the research, we draw the conclusion that the canteenmanagement system is an important part of the general manager module. The paperthen makes a designof the canteen management system,making a study ofthe moduleof the canteen management systemfrom the principle of design,design schedule, andthe sub moduleof canteen management system and analyzing the database needs. Therealization of the management system is the core part of this paper, which first tells usthe establishment of the database, analyzesthe realization of the system and thedatabase connection process. Secondly, it studiesthe sub module of the canteenmanagement system,and illustratesthe data flow diagram of the sub module,work flowchart and the realization flow chart, and displaysthe new canteen management system.
Keywords/Search Tags:RFID technology, IC card, management system
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