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Design And Implementation Of Koreatown Clothing Sales System

Posted on:2015-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330428497746Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of electronic information technology and theInternet, network has extended to every corner of the world. At present, peoplein the network applications, is no longer just browsing webpage, more is somepractical problems using the network to solve, such as email, using someinteractive features to achieve some application. Now many of the Internet usersbegin to e-commerce platform using network to provide the shopping, the remainwithin doors shopping more and more get the favour of people. So e-commerce isgradually replacing the traditional business activities, has become a new meansof commerce. Electronic commerce is making more and more small and medium-sizedenterprises to obtain a rapid development opportunities, create greater value.In recent years, the electronic commerce in our country development is veryrapid, this is mainly thanks to some relevant policies formulated by the stateand the guide made in this respect. Many of the measures now launched, such asonline payment platform, good faith service promotion, the third party paymentand more logistics express company’s recommendation, the electronic commercebecomes more and more frequent and more and more perfect. Large electronicshopping website currently appear a lot, there are a lot of enterprises willalso be looking to this field, the enterprises realized a mode of networkmarketing is the product sales, and will be more and more dominant.In this paper, briefly introduces the background and significance of theonline shopping system. In this paper, starting from the needs of users, mainlydescribes the overall system design, detailed design and implementation process,and the various functional modules are described in detail. In the e-commercesystem, the user first register to become a legitimate user, can enter the system,to the website browse products, understand the details, the commodity using theshopping cart to purchase goods, resulting in orders and total checkout etc..The system administrator can proceed user data review, management, and themanagement of commodity information, including commodity information to add,delete, query etc.. The background of the system and database Access2003, the ASP programminglanguage to achieve the development of. System interface is simple, friendlyinterface, good flexibility, the system safe and stable operation, and othercharacteristics, is ideal for creating personalized electronic mall. Electroniccommerce breaks the traditional business model, is a low cost, a wide range ofusers, no time limit, multimedia, personalized service and many advantages ofa new business model, online shopping system embodies the characteristics ofthe original mode of this new business model.
Keywords/Search Tags:ASP, E-commerce, Database Technology, Access, Internet
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