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Cloud Computing In The Rural Credit Cooperatives In The Applicaiton Of Network Marketing

Posted on:2013-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425961057Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Cloud computing is a commercial computational model, it distribution ofcomputing tasks in a resource pool of a large number of computers, allowing users tobe able to demand access to computing power, storage space, and information services.This resource pool called "cloud". Cloud computing will be pooled computingresources, and specialized software for automatic management, without humaninvolvement. This mode can greatly improve the utilization of resources, and enhancethe quality of service of the platform. Rural credit cooperatives, which is approved bythe People’s Bank of China was established by the member’s shares, democraticmanagement, and local small and medium-sized financial institutions to providefinancial services for their members. Rural credit cooperatives has done a lot of workin the area of network construction, ongoing beneficial exploration of networkmarketing, to carry out the online financial services has become a strategic choice forits development. But the network of rural credit cooperatives marketing late start,therefore, an urgent need to carry out a study of the online marketing strategy for ruralcredit cooperatives, in order to adapt to the needs of their own development.The emergence of cloud computing to solve the problems of rural creditcooperatives network marketing provides a convenient and efficient means oftechnology and application tools. Cloud computing service model, can effectivelyreduce the cost of hardware and software, and the flexibility to adapt to the needs ofthe different stages of development of the rural credit cooperatives. Constructionmodel of cloud computing will effectively solve the problems of rural creditcooperatives network marketing, combined with rural credit cooperatives system andthe operating characteristics, the use of cloud computing client devices require lowdata between different devices and application sharing cloud computing to meet thebusiness network marketing of rural credit cooperatives in demand for personalization,diversification, flexibility, and rural credit cooperatives network the shortcut channeland important trends in the development of marketing.Cloud computing implementations in the rural credit cooperatives in the networkmarketing and fully discussed, mainly including the overall architecture of cloudcomputing model, cloud computing application software architecture design, userservices, and service management, transportation dimensional way, implementation techniques, and so on. Based on analysis of cloud computing applications architecturespecifically addressed rural credit cooperatives typical network marketing system-the realization of rural credit cooperatives online banking. Summarizes the currentproblems faced by rural credit cooperatives in the network marketing, cloud-basedsolutions to address these issues. The papers from the cloud computing infrastructureanalysis combined system business analysis, rural credit cooperatives networkmarketing model of cloud computing services platform, through concrete examples toillustrate the feasibility of using cloud computing. Program adopted SOA, and cloudcomputing enterprise application infrastructure mode, basically meet the needs of therural credit cooperatives network marketing flexible demand for IT, cloud computingas a cutting-edge technology of today’s global IT technology and philosophy haschanged the traditional calculation mode of application of resources being broughthuge changes to the enterprise IT applications, and has a very large significance.
Keywords/Search Tags:cloud computing, rural credit cooperatives, network marketing, application value
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