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Design And Implementation Of Ci’An Hospital Service Management System

Posted on:2014-05-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y PanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425477675Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation discusses software development of Ci’An Hospital’s hospitalized management system. This system is an import part of the hospital’s integrated business management system and this paper will discuss its design and implementation from software engineering view.First, the paper summarizes necessary basic concept, demand background and development foundation in chapter1. In chapter2, it discusses demand analysis, especially the basic transaction function for hospitalized management and patient case information management function for staffs. It also generally discusses other assistant management functions, and gives main user case modules for the demand analysis. In chapter3, it discusses the system’s software design, especially the daTab.ase design scenario, data chart design, main modules’internal unit and internal data organization and processing rules. In chapter4, on the basis of software design, it further discusses the system’s programming implementation, main programs, interface examples, software testing and summarizes the paper in the end.This system uses Java/J2EE programming frame and Oracle10G daTab.ase server platform to realize, the intermediate server uses Apache/Tomcat. The daTab.ase system can not only realize related data module but also have strong management ability to multimedia data, and is perfect for multiple categories information integration which is needed by the system. Currently, the system’s test runs good, it not only improves the hospitalizing transaction management efficiency, but also reduces much human resource cost as well. It achieves its’anticipated system design goal.
Keywords/Search Tags:Hospital Management, Electronic Medical Record, DaTab.ase System
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