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The Design And Implementation Of Sanming City Bus Inquiry System

Posted on:2014-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425468744Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of China’s economy, the city has also been a rapiddevelopment, and because of the increasingly prosperous society, accelerate thedevelopment of urbanization and the concentration of population, something like urbantraffic problems, environmental pollution appeared. Therefore, the urgent need for theconstruction and development of a city bus system is used to meet the socio-economicand living needs, to facilitate our life, to ensure a healthy urban economy and rapiddevelopment.Then what is the city bus system’s role in the process of the city’s developmentand growth?why it can play such an important role?A city’s public transport is the city’smain force of transportation system, it will be extended to everyone’s life, a city busservice level has become an important index to measure the city’s standard, is a directwindow to know the city, and this window is a spirit of the city’s social conduct, and itrepresents the image of the Party and Government. Therefore, improving urban publictransport service quality and level plays a vital role in maintenance of the city’s imageand creating a good social atmosphere.In this context, the development of urban public transport is the only choice to solvetraffic problems in the process of urban development. First, in the development ofSanming City, public transport development is still not enough, the two mutualinfluences, only to promote the development of urban public transport and expeditinginfrastructure construction can solve the lag problem of the city’s public transportdevelopment, and sustain economic development. Secondly, Sanming City is a city thatresources of land is in short supply, it will be a great loss if road construction is alsooccupied by the city’s land, so promote the development of public transport is a goodway to solve this problem. Thirdly, public transport and environmental protection areclosely connected, there are a large part of urban pollution caused by automobileexhaust pollution, Automobile exhaust has become the main source of medium-sizedcities, it is necessary to control the motor vehicle, to encourage people to take the bus.Finally, although Sanming urbanization continues to accelerate, but still lower than theother provinces, to build a better public transport network system will play a significantrole in promote economic development in surrounding areas and promotion of culturalexchange,it can also accelerate the unification of town and country.Urban public transport system is an important part of the city’s comprehensivefunctionality,it plays an important role in the city’s economic and social developmentand people’s lives. Designing a feasible urban public transport inquiry system can promote public transport and accelerate the development of urban public transportationinformation process.This paper first researched Sanming city bus system running case, combined withthe actual situation in Sanming, described Sanming City transit system according to thespecifications of software engineering theory. then introduced the design process used insoftware development tools and knowledge and technology, then analyzed the model ofthe system, then designed the system, inclued of designing the information managementof bus, the bus lines queries, the bus stops to achieve queries, the bus transferpath-planning queries,the other queries like price, the information managerment,themodify information.The system development environment is Microsoft Visual Studio. Net2005, with B/S pattern of development, choose ORACLE for background database. Implements aSanming city bus information query platform to facilitate the general public travel.Through this system, we can do the standard management of information and rapidinquiry, public transportation information management to achieve a systematic,standardized and automated, so not only reduces the administrative workload, but alsoachieves a win-win situation in economic benefits and environmental benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:public transport query system, ASP.NET, B/S, ORACLE
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