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Design And Implementation For Renshou County Public Resources Trading Platform

Posted on:2014-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z B ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330425468559Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In accordance with the unified arrangement of Sichuan Province, it’s set up an RenShouXian trading center of public resources by RenShouXian, and its main job responsibilities is assumed the construction and management for trading center IT platform; and it provide trading information in accordance with the relevant provisions trading information for the parties to the transaction, provide forensic and other services, it also needed to statistic trading data, custody exchange files. The main function for Public Resource Exchange Center is the contract work in construction field, through the help of computer technology in the bidding and bid opening, evaluation, calibration and other aspects of standardized management. Then there is the need to develop a WEB-based transaction of Public Resources platform.The paper based on the design of the center of public resources trading service transaction information management platform Renshou County, Sichuan Province, project process; in accordance with the standard software development process that software engineering methods for project development. Paper describes in detail the analysis of the trading platform architecture design, system, module design and implementation. Design process is using a top-down analysis, system analysis, design and development process from system planning, system analysis, system design and implementation stages. System requirements analysis process mainly use the UML activity diagram and use case diagram analysis system, the database design of the system, mainly using the ER model diagram database-aided design. In the detailed design and implementation of the system, mainly using the class package designed to refine the various functional modules of the system, the completion of various design and main modules of the system timing diagram or workflow design figure. The thesis details of several major modules of the platform user management, database management, portal publicity platform module, public resources transaction module, bidding information management and supervision and monitoring of management analysis and design work. Finally, a summary of the system and the subsequent outlook.
Keywords/Search Tags:WEB, B/S/S, UML, Information Management, Trading Activity
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