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Design And Implementation Of Changda Company The EDA Process Management System

Posted on:2014-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J B WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401965880Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Process management is the core of the manufacturing enterprise management,process management directly determines the manufacturing enterprise in the fiercemarket competition can survive. However, most enterprise process management is stillvery traditional, and is mainly artificial.It costs large amounts of material resources andefficiency is low. Obviously, process management is behind the development ofmanufacturing informatization It is very important to study and establish processmanagement information system, to promote the enterprise process management leveland promote informatization and industrialization.This paper first analyzes topics in accordance with the significance of the topic ofdevelopment in the world, makes objectives and content of the study clear. And thenanalyzes detailed needs of EDA Craft Management, clarify the company’s businessprocess.Using UML technology to clear demand from many aspects summarized toproduce a use case diagram, in addition to the functional requirements. This paper alsoanalyzes the performance requirements. After that,Using software engineeringmethods,design system detailly according to the collections of demands, includingdatabase design and detailed design of each module. Finally, with the populardevelopment technology, achieve the various functional modules of the processmanagement system.The subject researchs and achieves EDA Process management system of HebeiChangDa Group.It contains two parts:EDA database management and boardreview,including building a database application, database application for the review,audit of the EDA building a database, technology platform, veneer assessment ofapplications,board review process summarize.After the system is tested, it is proved thatthe system greatly improves the work efficiency, ensure the normal execution of thecore business processes,strengthen the process,make the company management morescientific and standardized.
Keywords/Search Tags:E-Commerce, EDA Process management, B/S structure, ASP
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