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Campus Information Management System Based On WEB Service

Posted on:2014-06-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J K MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401965560Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Internet technology provides an indispensable platform for the digital informationmanagement of colleges and universities. With the coming of the information age,compared with the previous ideas, information is an indispensable things, that all walksof life need the support of information. Information is a very important resource for thegovernment, enterprises and universities. As time goes by, the development of networktechnology is more and more quickly, the backbone role of the information to appear inthe daily life and study, let people could not resist it, changing the public perception oflife.This thesis implemented the campus information management system based onWEB Service. The system adopts B/S structure, divided into User Interface, BusinessLogic Layer and Data Access Layer. The background database using SQL Server2000,the database design into the distributed database for the convenience of the deployment.Designed a data access interface, all remote access database through the data accessinterface. The presentation layer uses ASP.NET technology, Ajax technology and XMLtechnology. System adopts3-Tier Architecture, implements the system of "therequirement of high cohesion and low coupling", but also reduces the difficulty of thesystem deployment and maintenance. Use SQL Server2000backstage supporter’sdatabase, the data layer is mainly use ADO.NET implementation, the business layer isimplemented using C#language, the presentation layer using the ASP.NETimplementation, asynchronous data access using Ajax technology.Above all, the campus information management system based on WEB Service,Base on this thesis, the following several main jobs were achieved:1, Researched the whole framework and module of the campus informationmanagement system.2, We according to the needs of users, has carried on the comprehensive demandanalysis to system first, and then on the basis of demand analysis, system architectureand functional aspects has carried on the design, system detailed design specifications. 3, We Use black-box testing and white-box testing to verify the functionality andperformance of the system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information management system, ASP.NET, SQL Server, Web Service, 3-tier architecture
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