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Study On The Communication Strategy Of Ruili Magazine

Posted on:2013-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H T LanFull Text:PDF
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In the background of the current world’s economic and cultural globalization,fashion magazines also be involved in the process of globalization. The most obviouseffects of the globalization on the Journal of women’s fashion in China is the boomingof copyright cooperation magazines. In1988, Hachette Group and the ShanghaiTranslation Publishing House cooperated and published the Chinese version ELLE,since then, a large number of this copyright cooperation high level female fashionmagazines such as Cosmopolitan, Ruili, VOGUE and so on appeared continuously anddeveloped rapidly in China, and became the mainstream of domestic fashionperiodical publishing. The high level female fashion magazines in China can bedivided into three factions: the European style, the Japanese style and the local style.The feature of the European style magazine is "luxurious fashion", the Japanese styleis "practical fashion", and the local style is "local fashion". In a highly competitive atthe same time, the competition of the three factions is stiff, but also promote thefemale fashion magazines to move forward.As a representative of the high level female fashion magazine, Ruili occupied adominant position in recent years and has been top on the sales list. Ruili firstproposed the positioning principle which is "to differentiated the the target audienceby age and living conditions", and established the core value of "practical fashion",coupled with its excellent advertising marketing, achieved great success in domesticperiodical publishing marketing. Confront the fierce competition, Ruili did not stick toits achievements, but implemented a development strategy which took its brand as thecore of concentric circles, and to create a strong Ruili media enterprise. However,beneath the great success of Ruili, there are also some serious problems such ashomogenization, extravagant consumerist tendency, and lack of humanisticconnotation and so on. The successful experience of Ruili is worth to learn fordomestic fashion magazines, and the problems also reflect the current crisis ofdomestic periodical publishing. Under the competitive pressure of many domestic andinternational fashion journals, fashion magazines in China should strive to changedilemma: first of all, to achieve market segmentation; and to call for rationalconsumption, to emphasis on humanistic connotation; and should also update theediting concept, to strengthen the personnel training; what’s more important is toexplore the highlights of local fashion actively, to explore the development direction based on local culture, to achieve the interaction between "localization" and"globalization". Female fashion magazines in China will certainly achieve newdevelopment, and finally achieve success in the international market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Female Fashion Magazine, Ruili, Communication Strategy
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