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Design And Implementation Of Automation Test System For DB2Tools

Posted on:2014-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Y ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330401463277Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The testing of Software plays an important role in the software engineering cycle, which aims to find various problems and defects. However, some of the problems and defects can be avoided in the coding process. Most of the developers have no time both in understanding the test process and using testing tools.In view of this situation, an automation test system for DB2tools has been designed and developed for developers by me and my team. With the system, developers can find defects and fix them during the development cycle. It also can improve the code quality and reduce the test cycle, and reduce the conflicts between developers and testers. The system uses Spring, Struts, Hibernate (below use SSH for short) framework, Dojo frontend framework and Java to realize. The system is so convenient to operate and is widely used by developers.Based on the software engineering cycle strictly, the paper analyzes the designing and developing process of the whole system. In the first place, it introduces the project background and determines the developing platform and technology for this system by doing some research and comparison of various kinds of WEB application technologies. In the aspect of system requirement analysis, it analyzes the demands and feasibilities in detail, and uses UML user cases to introduce the main fuctions. In the outline design cycle, this paper presents the system flow in order to make it clear to readers. And then it introduces the design of five main functions of this system. In the next place, it describes the whole structure of this system and introduces the application of SSH framework as well as the meaning of the various configuration files. In the design of database, it uses the application of ER diagram to describe the relationship between tables, and analyses some main tables’structure. In the design of frontend, it shows us the style of pages and presents some outline pages. In the end, it provides some interfaces and packages using package diagram. In part of detailed design, this paper describes the function of each module of the system according to the outline design in detail. Every module is described in the order of frontend、 configuration file、backend, and use the sequence diagram and class diagram to describe the specific implementation.
Keywords/Search Tags:DB2tools, Test tool, SSH, Automation
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