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Design And Implementation Of Central Heating Data Warehouse System

Posted on:2013-08-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W Y XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2268330392470640Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Heating livelihood issues is the focus of discussion, heating quality relatespeople’s living standard. Improve the quality of the heating service is the mostimportant to solve the issue of people’s livelihood. Using scientific data analysistechnique in the field of centralized heating can help to improve the quality of heatingand promote energy-saving emission reduction. With many years of informationconstruction, centralized heating system has accumulated a large number of heatingdata. In face of these complicated data, how to use these data should be furtherresearch problems in heating areas. The purpose of this paper is to use scientific dataanalysis methods to improve heating information system and heating quality.This paper uses the Data Warehouse technology for the storage of heating data,and analyzed data by using OLAP and Data Mining. After the analysis of Tianjinheating information system accumulated data and heating data analysis requirements,we design and build the central heating Data Warehouse for OLAP analysis and DataMining. Based on the Data Warehouse, we establish heating data cube, and domultidimensional data analysis operations, including drilled, slice cutting, rotate andother operations, which allowed users to query the data flexible and rapidly. The frontend of the present work of OLAP is the most important work. This paper adoptsASP.NET technology to realize the front page display and generate report forms. Inthe front page, users also can complete OLAP operations and present a friendly show.The paper also uses the decision tree method to supply data for data mining, whichcan be used to judge whether the heating abnormal. According to the decision tree,users can predict if the heating is abnormal. At the final part, we summarize our totalwork, and put forward the next step work prospects.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heat, DW, OLAP, DM, decision tree
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