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Biographical Literature Research In The Senior High School

Posted on:2015-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C Z KongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428979828Subject:Subject teaching
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Biographical literature as a special literature form, records people’s experience,full of historical authenticity and artistic quality. It can bring abundant enlightenment.Therefore, it is the editor’s favor, especially after the new curriculum, biographicalliterature in textbook selection has a large number, wide distribution, and is anindependent unit. At the same time, biographical literature is also paid attention to bythe college entrance examination proposition, and has become a hot spot of thecollege entrance examination in recent years. Biographical literature plays animportant part in Chinese teaching in senior high school.This paper focuses on the stylistic features of biographical literature, focus onimproving the quality of teaching high school of biography, and explored method forhigh school biographical literature teaching problems and the improvement. Theauthor conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews of68teachers and526students, knowing that high school teachers are low in teaching of biographicalliterature biography theory: the teaching aim is not clear, the teaching content isnarrow, monotonous, and students’ inquiry ability is poor and other issues, and thenfind the reasons from the teachers "teaching" and the students "learning": the teachersread a narrow, outdated teaching philosophy, so students extracurricular reading andexploration in class is the key of the problem. Finally, aiming at these problems, theauthor put forward improvement suggestions to the teaching of biography: improvethe teachers’ accomplishment in biography theory, optimizing the implementationstrategy of biographical literature teaching in high school.In order to Optimize strategy of biographical literature teaching in high school,teachers should first define the basic goal teaching of biography, then choosebiography suitable teaching content, and use various teaching methods flexibly,playing an unique role of biographical literature in Chinese teaching in senior highschool.
Keywords/Search Tags:senior high school, biographical literature, teaching
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