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Teaching High School Argumentative Writing Strategies

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C M WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428979824Subject:Subject teaching
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The language papers, writing scores on the language accounted for half of the total scoreof the river. From the perspective of educational psychology analysis, abstract thinking isgradually becoming a high school student, they like things dialectical analysis, likes toexpress their views, like reverse thinking. Argumentative writing is the ability to train highschool students speculative, abstract logical thinking ability, ability to discuss the best way.From the analysis, marking papers, candidates wrote the essay scores derived Argumentariesoften than other sports. However, the level of students’ daily writing and surveys show thatmost students argumentative writing skills is not optimistic. Argumentative Writing teachinghigh school high school language teaching is the most important and difficult in the difficult.Through the analysis of the composition teaching, drawn argumentative essay on theimportance of language teaching. Through specific teaching practice and research, analyticalresults are currently high school argumentative writing problems that high school studentsargumentative writing serious fear of hardship, lack of interest, lack of motivation, lackargumentative text material accumulation and improper use of argumentative language skillsshortage, argumentative writing moderation conception, writing, lack of ability to control thestructure. According to these problems, develop appropriate writing training strategy.Argumentative Writing initial stage, with the past conduct direct writing methods, differentfrom the traditional practice of writing skills, the training strategy first conducted basictraining argumentative writing-listening, speaking, reading and writing training fragmentsalso start writing began. Reduce the difficulty, diverse ways to eliminate the fear of difficultywriting students to enhance the interest and motivation of writing. For the evaluation of highschool argumentative writing, the change is the result of a multi-level evaluation, incentiveevaluation, a single evaluation method for a variety of evaluation methods. Stimulating theformation of various forms of writing argumentative evaluation methods. Scientificevaluation methods to promote students’ argumentative writing skills.Analysis of high school through questionnaires Writing argumentative obstacles exist,combined with the specific obstacles argumentative writing training base, reduce the difficultyof writing, the desire to care for students’ writing, develop writing skills and argumentative thinking of writing this paper is a breakthrough place. No training specific quantitative effectis yet to break through the Department papers.
Keywords/Search Tags:High School, Argumentative, Writing Teaching, Strategies
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