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Study On The Problems And Countermeasures Of Chinese Contemporary College Students’ Moral Cognition

Posted on:2015-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330428466395Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Morality is a kind of special social ideology, it is to improve people’s spiritual realm,promote self perfection, the internal driving force to promote the all-round development ofpeople, a neglected spiritual power is the impact of the development of social productive forces.Among them, the moral cognition of college students moral character, personality and worldoutlook, outlook on life and values formation has a very significant impact. Because, a person ofmoral cognition level, has a close relationship with the individual’s moral emotion, moral will,moral beliefs and moral behavior, that is to say, the level of moral cognition of influence aperson’s moral level directly, decides the people’s moral quality is consistent with the needs ofsocial development, ethical or unethical evaluation criteria, finally whether can be accepted bythe community and recognition. So we must recognize the moral status of contemporary collegestudents in China, and step by step analysis of moral cognition arising problems, as well as thespecific causes of moral cognition, the only truly realize the problem, to put forward specificstrategies to solve the moral cognition to solve problems, and to be able to use the correctmethods developed in line with the spirit of the times, is the value of the independent judgmentability, subjectivity moral personality. The full text is divided into four parts:The first part: introduction. This article focuses on the research background, researchsignificance and research in and abroad and the possibility of innovation.The second part: expounds the meaning and content of moral cognition. First of all, adetailed explanation of the Moral Cognitive Meanings and contents; secondly, summarizes theimportant meaning of university students have good moral cognition.The third part: the main problems and causes of contemporary university students "moralcognition is analyzed. First of all, the college students’ moral cognition moral cognition andmoral emotion is not unified, the moral cognition and the moral belief, moral cognitivedissonance, and moral will, moral cognition and moral choice and imbalance of moral cognitionand moral behavior from five aspects of the problem. Then a detailed analysis of the four reasons,college students moral cognition problems are: the influence of market economy, the negativefactors of moral education in schools is not perfect, home to the neglect of moral education andmoral cultivation of college students self consciousness. The fourth part: put forward to solve the moral cognitive problems with specific solutions.Is mainly from the school, society, family and individual should take effective measures toenhance the level of moral cognition of contemporary college students, the contemporaryuniversity students to adapt to social development of noble moral quality.
Keywords/Search Tags:College student, Moral cognition, Problems, Countermeasures
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