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Research On School Counseling Students To Participate

Posted on:2015-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330425496445Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Scientific and technological progress change with the passing days; andknowledge-based economy is still in the ascendants. Confronted with the constantlychanging social conditions, the society has put forward higher requirements andstandards for the selection and appointment of talents. Talent competition isbecoming more and more intense, which urges laborers who are involved in the talentcompetition to continuously raise their crisis awareness. It is more so for parentswho hold high hopes for their children. However, the present school educationcannot take the individual differences among all the students into considerationand offer learning resources and methods which are suitable for differentindividuals, so it cannot satisfy students’ individualized demand of study anddevelopment. Then after-class tutoring centers appear and develop very fast, andthey offer education service for students outside school. Both students and theirparents speak highly of this phenomenon and it has soon become a common educationphenomenon. Also, it has raised the attention and reflects of press circles,academic circles and the author herself.At present, scholars, both home and abroad, have paid some attention toproblems such as extra tutoring and supplementary education. Plus, they have madeefforts on the study of the value of that problem and empirical study. But theirefforts mainly concentrate on relevant studies of the act that students spend theirextra time on studying scientific and cultural knowledge; yet they are not payingmuch attention on the situations that students are taking part in art specialtytutoring outside of school. According to the author’s recognition, there are noscholars carrying out empirical investigation in Shandong Province, and thereexist differences among the investigation results in different cities, both ofwhich have made it more necessary for the author to make the investigation basedon the situations in Jinan City, Shandong Province.In this paper, the education activities, that happen outside regular schooleducation, which students themselves take in during their extra time and that are paid by parents, are named “After-class Tutoring” by the author. Students oftwo elementary schools located in Tianqiao District and Huaiyin District of JinanCity and their parents are the objects of study in this investigation.Questionnaire method is taken, in order to get to know the current situation ofthe purpose, form and type of students taking part in after-class tutoring. Thismethod can also explore the influencing factors for students to take part inafter-class tutoring, and can enrich theory and data for the present studies.Interviewing method is also used, so as to understand parents’ real thoughts abouttheir children’s taking part in after-class tutoring, and to conduct deep analysisand thinking about that phenomenon according to the results of the investigation.It can be known from the analysis of the investigation that, the features ofelementary students taking part in after-class tutoring in Jinan City are: greatscale, large number and high evaluation. Also, taking part in after-class tutoringfeatures various purposes, its types vary according to different grades, districtsand schools, its intension is moderate. Location of schools, parents’ degree ofeducation and profession, as well as families’ monthly income all have greatinfluence on whether elementary school students in Jinan City take part inafter-class tutoring; students’ gender, grade, school record, school location,parents’ degree of education and profession, as well as families’ monthly incomeall have much influence on the types of after-class tutoring that elementary schoolstudents in Jinan City take part in.At last, the author, from the two aspects of students and parents, combiningsuch current social situations as the development of after-class tutoring centers,the existing enrollment system and evaluation system, makes profound analysis ofthe reasons of two major phenomena: elementary school students in Jinan Citygenerally take part in after-class tutoring, there exist differences in theirtaking part in after-class tutoring. Also, combing the investigation results andsocial reality, the author explores the purpose of students taking part inafter-class tutoring, inspects the shortage of school education and disposestroubles of after-class tutoring markets, about which the author thinks deeply and attempts to make suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:elementary school students, after-class tutoring, investigation
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