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The Study On Ulich’ Comparative Education Thought

Posted on:2015-01-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2267330422969654Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Ulich(Robert Ulich,1890—1977)is a famous American scholar of comparativeeducation, and he has a high academic reputation in the United States. He is an outstandingrepresentative of comparative education history of humanism, its ideological and educationalactivities for the development of comparative education has made important contributions.This article from Ulrich’s life and writings, analyzes the background of the formation ofeducational thought, theoretical basis, the factors that draw, and thus proved the essence of hisidea of comparative education. His thought is mainly reflected in his works, especially in TheEducation of Nations:A Comparison in Historical Perspective.His education system ofthought including the nature of comparative education, features and tasks, research subjects,research content and research methods. Research content and methods are prominent place inhis research, but also the focus of this article. In the research, his deep and broad researchconcerns the newly independent countries in the past researchers easily overlooked. Inresearch methods, combined with his emphasis on comparative history, emphasizing theimportant role of history, carefully analyze the impact factors and forces behind education,comparative education highlights the characteristics of their own. Meanwhile, Ulichintroduces some methods of sociology, makes up his research colleagues edge. Finally, theidea of Ulich conducted assessment, analysis of the characteristics of its ideas, contributionsand limitations, and compare the differences between him and other historical comparisonhumanist educator. Based on this foundation, this paper combined with our comparativeeducation status of research, trying to sort out the comparative education research on Chinaenlightenment.
Keywords/Search Tags:RobertUlich, ComparativeEducationThought, Humanism, Historicalcomparison
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