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Rural Public Cultural Goods Supply

Posted on:2014-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P Q YanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2266330401458293Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As a large agricultural country, how to solve the "three rural" problem is very essential and closing related to the overall situation of reform and development in China.The public cultural product supply of rural area is a big problem for balancing urban and rural development, building a new Socialist countryside in China and comprehensive construction of a well-off society. However, now public cultural product supply in rural areas have some problems such as supply volume is not sufficient, supply structure is not reasonable and the low efficiency of supply,all these become one of the main reasons for restricting China’s rural development. With the development of rural economy and society, as well as the growing demand for public cultural products of the farmers, how to improve the supply of public culture products in rural areas has become a preoccupant issue of China’s rural work.This paper choose pingyi County, Shandong province as a case study of rural public product supply, do some researches in-depth on the supply of rural public culture product in China under the view of supply funds, supply mode, supply mechanism, supply demand and supply structures and decision making. This paper careful analysis of problems existing in the supply of rural public culture product, identify their causes, and give some corresponding countermeasures under the guidance of new public service theory, public choice theory, government economics and public project management theory in order to promote a perfect rural public culture product supply system.This article consists of five parts as follows:Part Ⅰ is an introduction explained the background to this study and the significance of topic selection. This part also described the related theory as well as literature review and give a brief introduction of research design,methods and content.Part Ⅱ describes the development and historical changes of the supply of rural public culture product in china. First of all, this paper define the concept of public culture products and give a simple description of its characteristics and types. Then introduce the characteristics of the supply of rural public culture products in China from the people’s commune period, period of reform and opening up to the tax reform, tax reform period to nowadays. We can find that the characteristics of each period are closely related to the level of development and national policies at that time.Part Ⅲ describes the current situation of public culture products supply pingyi County, Shandong province. In this paper we choose pingyi County, Shandong province as an example, introduce the current situation in basic of public cultural facilities, public cultural activities, number and type of public cultural products, supply efficiency of public culture.Part Ⅳ analyzes the problems exist in the supply of rural public culture product. Combine the related researches we find there are the following problems in china:the total supply amount is not enough, supply structure unbalance, the supply system rigescent and the outdate public culture development concept.Part Ⅴ gives some corresponding countermeasures to promote a perfect rural public culture product supply system. Based on the problems of China’s rural public culture products supply we have to improve the supply system, provide enough public cultural products, improve rural public culture product investment and financing system.Through this research, after analysis the supply of rural public culture products from the supply responsibility, supply subject, supply mode and supply efficiency, we get some advices on how to reconstruct and reform of our rural public culture product supply system and promoting the construction of Socialist harmonious society and new countryside.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural Public cultural products, supply, demand, Countermeasure
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