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On Inquiry Laozhuang Road

Posted on:2015-02-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B B YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330428476803Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Laozi and Zhuangzi’s theory of "Tao" is based on the pre-Qin culture of China.It’s a philosophical world outlook.This idea shows a complete process of world outlook,which reflected the depth of the pre-Qin Taoist thought.At a certain extent,it were Laozi and Zhuangzi who shaped the world outlook of the ancient Chinese.Laozi and Zhuangzi’s theory of "Tao" is related to cosmology,ontology and epistemology.It’s the unity of the cosmology and ontology,and the unity of the world outlook and the epistemology.There was a long time from Laozi to Zhuangzi.Their books "Laozi" and "Zhuangzi" retained the progress and changes during this period.Laozi founded the cosmology that is a part of theory of "Tao".The transformation from God to "Tao" is a kind of innovation of thinking mode.The concept of Zhuangzi inherited from Lao zi’s "Tao".Zhuangzi dipped into these concepts,and then put forward his skepticism.Zhuangzi realized that Tao is the root of the universe,it produces everything."Tao" is in anywhere,all things depend on it,and share it."Tao" is without start and end,and the universe is infinite."Tao" produces Qi(气),Then the world is produced by Qi.All belong to the same thing,and all things have life and death.The Life and death is a process of change.People can perceive Tao, and go with it.Zhuangzi established a new cosmology that the world is composed of something, rather than a generation.Laozi and Zhuangzi’s theory of "Tao" Involves the ontology.Dialectical unification thought and the original (Werden) ideas are basic in Laozi and Zhuangzi’s cognitive world.They awared of the internal contradictions.The contradiction also is between the limited and unlimited.They distinguished the difference between limited and unlimited things,but never divided the whole word."Tao" is open, universal and self-sustaining.Cosmological and ontological unification are on the basis of "Tao".Qi is in change of the eternal.Meanwhile all things are in motion and change.Laozi tried to keep "Wu"(无) and "You"(有)united.And Zhuangzi tried to make "signifier" and "referred to" reach unity.Marx named the concept of system about the world as world view.World view includes everything to pursue the concept of the world such as the true creation myths,cosmology,ontology,the transcendental ontology,concept,etc.All belong to the category of world view theory.In fact, according to the theory of world view summarized above, itself is the result of critical reflection on them.The development of world view and the epistemology are closely related.Chuangzi’s theory of "Tao" is based on the theory of Laozi’s.Also there is reflections from Laozi to Zhuangzi.It actually contains a complete link of world view.
Keywords/Search Tags:Laozi and Zhuangzi(老庄), Tao, cosmology, ontology, worldoutlook(world view)
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