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Art For The Masses Service

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330425494505Subject:Art theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
According to the Chinese art history and Chinese art education history, Jiang Feng has an important position in the history of modern art.Jiang Feng From1938to1982, died of illness, experienced a total of about44years of art education courses. Jiang Feng’s art education course is the development of new Chinese art education synchronization, witnessed and into the development of the latter.Throughout the44years of Jiang Feng art education history,his art education thought in Yan’an period laid the revolutionary traditions of his art education.It is thought to be the formation of his art education thoughts.Thought Chinese art education in the early build new China "socialist art education" system.His art education thought of early days of New China,builds a new China "socialist art education" system. It is thought to bethe maturity of his art education thoughts.After the "Cultural Revolution" ended,especially at the beginning of reform and opening up, his art education thoughts have been trying to stick to the "socialist art education" road.It is thought to be the end of his art education thoughts.However, Whether the revolutionary art education in Yan’an period, or a new era of Chinese socialist art education, as well as the period of reform and opening to explore art education, including a consistent, is his firm belief in "art for the people services". The "art for the people services," it is his view of art education for life unshaken.Jiang Feng Art Education has an important significance of contemporary art education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiang Feng, Art Education, Thoughts, Art for the people services
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