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Grass Infant Tolstoy Translation

Posted on:2014-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T LeiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330422957024Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During60-year translations career, the83-year-old Cao Ying translateda large number of works of Russian literature. However, the best works he takesproud of should be Leo Tolstoy’ Complete Fiction Collections, including threeworks of Anna Karenina, Resurrection and War and peace,which began from his54-year old and completed in his75. This work all together has twelve Volumes,four millions words in total. It is commented that only Cao Ying who cantranslate all those works all along in the world. This paper tries to explain CaoYing’s prominent features in translations and his Humanism by an analysis oflanguage features, personalities and characterizing of each character in Tolstoy’sliterature.Thesis is divided into four chapters. The introductory chapter summarizesthe domestic scholars in recent years, the researches of Cao Ying which areclassified one by one. After that, I found some aspects of Cao Ying have neverbeen researched by people, which is going to be my arguments in my thesis. Inthe same time, longitudinal timeline and horizontal space contrast method arealso introduced in this section.In the first chapter, an overview of Cao Ying, attaching to translation andhow he deterred to study Tolstoy are coming. I will roughly sum up the entirehistorical process from a contact with Russian translation to the day he completesall the novels of Tolstoy, and then, his deep understanding of the humanitarian isalso included.In the second chapter, Anna Karenina, War and Peace and Resurrection’s different characteristics, backgrounds, translator’s mentality changes will beanalyzes one by one. Then concludes how Cao Ying understands Tolstoy’shumanitarian and praises that.In chapter three, I use ways of vertical and horizontal space comparativestudy to explain Cao Ying’s deep-seated arduous journey of life behind thetranslation and his understanding of Tolstoy Humanitarian. The comparisonobjects including Cao Ying’s contemporaries and some famous translatedversions of Tolstoy’s novel in the Bookstore.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cao Ying, Tolstoy, Translation, Humanitarian
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