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Research Question "body" Music Appreciation Activities

Posted on:2014-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J YinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article aims to analyze the issues of the “Leib” on the music appreciationactivities, in order to rediscover the music appreciation activities.The article is divided into five parts. The Introduction is an overview of themotivation and background of the theoretical research.The background consists ofthe various discourses of the “Leib”; the inspiration of the theory of the musicperformances and the music education. The main content of the first chapter isinterpretations of the “Leib” and the“music appreciation activities”. The secondchapter contains an overview of the theory of music appreciation and a profoundconsideration of its study limitations. The third chapter focuses on the analysis of theissues of the “Leib” on the music appreciation activities. The analyses of the activitiesof appreciators’s “Leib”, the significance of “Leib” as the object of music appreciation,and the “Intercorporéité” of the occasion of music appreciation activities are toindicate the importance of discovering the issues of the “Leib” on musicappreciation activities. The activities of appreciators’s “Leib” include appreciators’ssensory activities, awareness activities, and feelings activities; The significance of the“Leib” as the object of music appreciation mainly appeared as a manifestation ofexpressions, styles and cultural values. Rich historical and cultural significances ofmusic appreciation activities by analysing the differences of the “Intercorporéité” ofMedia Occasions, Theaters Occasions, Natural Occasions, Ritual Occasions, and SocialOccasions. The conclusion summarizes the main point of view, and then pointed outthe importance of the study of the issues of the “Leib” on music appreciationactivities. Propose to integrate the academic ideas of “Sound-based” and“Music-culture-based”, to Open up a new horizon for the theoretical study ofmusicology.
Keywords/Search Tags:Music Appreciation Activities, Leib, Intercorporéité
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