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Landscape Paintings Double Space

Posted on:2013-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2265330374451180Subject:Fine Arts
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"Three or five trees standing on top of rocks or slopes with a river flowing by, in which laying some gravel. The woods behind the looming of a plank road, which winds to the mountains, going through a mass of clouds,and the gateenter of a temple, behind which is an oasis in the mountains..."This is a description of a landscape painting. Of course, such a description, may establish different landscapes in mind by everyone. Yet this is not the landscape-in other words, it is far from the landscape which intended to be conveyed.Chinese landscape paintings often depict the natural world through "the language of brush and ink"-which even does not exist in the nature. And maybe because of that, makes the "brush and ink language" to get the more enough freedom. What this article is trying to explore is what role the landscape paintings play behind the freedom.Typically, the proposition of a landscape painting, always named by the activities of the figure or figures, such as:boarding, sitting, turning, resettlement, Cezhang etc., together with time or seasonal, for example:the dawn and evening, twilight, snow, rain, winter, spring, and so on; and the geographical position, such as:West, East, and so a series of elements named. In the category of this proposition, it is divided into two categories on the referent:one is a direct description of the activities of the person or persons, such as Fan Kuan "Mountains and Streams", Ma Yuan "Xiao Xue Shan Xing","Ta Ge Tu",Lidi" Going Back in Storm " Zhou Chen "Visiting friends"and so on. The other is that although there is no direct response to human activities, it is emerged by the scene allusion or metaphor of human emotion, such as Shen Zhou "Falling Flowers"Wang Fu "Reading Room On Lakeside", Wen Zhengming "Hu Xi Cottage","Gu Mu Han Quan Tu", Guo Xi "Early Spring"’and so on. Without viewing the paintings, only by subject, one can imagine the picture to convey the connotation is always inseparable from human existence. Using a word "map"(which pronounced "TU" in Chinese) to distinguish landscape and painting.By the screen analysis, although this is just a naming convention, it would show how the original natural landscape painting to go into self-expression as the meaning of "map". Here, the ways of interaction between human and landscape scenery, would yield more kinds of metaphor situation which beyond the painting itself. However the relevance between a person and scenery, would expand the space system of the landscape into a wider alluding state. The outer space of the painting, on this level, would make the viewer involved. The audience as a completion or supplementary part of the sound across time and space outside of painting, becoming an interpretation of a painting. At this point, landscape painting, it is no longer a paper painting of mountains and trees and rocks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Landscape paintings, Metaphor
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