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Based On The Early Onset Of Coronary Heart Syndrome Syndrome Factor Analysis

Posted on:2014-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2264330425474671Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:This article investigate1218survey questionnaires titled Experts TargetedQuestionnaires Regarding Coronary Heart Disease’s Syndrome Factors, Features&Pathogenesis’s Evolution Rules by adopting multivariate statistical analysisin order to explore stage-based applications of factor analysis in syndromefactors and features existing in early onset of coronary heart disease andprovide data basis and support for fully revealing syndrome factors, features&pathogenesis’s evolution rules existing in early stage, onset stage, remissionstage and recovery stage of coronary heart disease, in the hope of making somecontributions to in-depth TCM syndrome discriminating of coronary heart disease.Research methods:First, this article uses literature research to explore TCM syndromefactors’ features in coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular diseasesand application of multivariate statistical analysis in studies of TCM syndromefactors. Then, it studies principles and characteristics underlyingmultivariate statistical analysis, plus features for each method, applicablestage and data processing results. Finally, it adopts experimental studies toconduct expert consultations based on retrieved standard materials and ancient&modern literatures in China, and develop questionnaires regarding coronaryheart disease’s syndrome factors, features&pathogenesis’s evolution rules.The survey covers six regions-namely Northeast of China, North China, NorthwestChina, Southeast China, Southwest of China, Southern part of China, involving41hospitals and gathering1218valid questionnaires. Then we prepare a databasefor such valid questionnaires with the aid of computers, use SPSS tools to studyand analyze these questionnaires and establish a sheet carrying occurrencefrequencies of information variances obtained through four diagnostic methodsin early onset of coronary heart disease. Factor analysis facilitates data iteration.Results:Of88target factors whose occurrence frequencies go beyond20%in earlyonset of diseases, after factor analysis we find29(listed below) are relatedto coronary heart disease: occasionally&frequently choking, suffocating,oppressing, or dull sensation in chest; palpitation or tiredness/weakness incase of increased exercises; sweating with nightfall; occasionally felt slightsense of dizziness; a slightly felt dry mouth; syndromes relieved when drinkingless water and approaching clothes and quilts; heat in hands, feet or heart;occasional annoyance, fullness and oppression in the chest and abdomen, sorenessand weakness in waist and knees; food intake reduced to2/3of daily inputs,tastelessness in the mouth; occasional nausea and vomiting, retching, hiccupping or belching; evacuation of dry and hardened feces once per day; impatienceand susceptibility to lose temper accompanied by a dry and bitter mouth;occasional sighs and hypochondriac pain; little and short evacuation of urine;occasional dropsy; susceptibility to colds or occasional colds; occasionalcoughs, dry coughs; frequent occurrence of syndrome characterized by dyspnea;dull facial complexion.Our studies conduct exploratory factor analysis in TCM symptoms and signsfor patients with coronary heart disease and obtain12common factors. Thesefactors can be described in multi-stress factors, vomiting factors, digestingfactors, palpitating factors, chest choking factors, pain-producing chestfactors, urine factors, sweating factors, relieving factors when approachingclothes and quilts respectively with other factors ignored due to theirconnections with tongue pictures.Conclusions:1.These questionnaires titled Experts Targeted Questionnaires RegardingCoronary Heart Disease’s Syndrome Factors, Features&Pathogenesis’s EvolutionRules are prepared under guidance of TCM theories in combination with coronary heart disease’s etiology and pathogenesis features, aiming to analyze andsummarize coronary heart disease’s syndrome factors, features&pathogenesis’s evolution rules.2.Through factor analysis, we get12common factors. In our cases, we usefactor analysis to systematically summarize syndromes appearing in early-stagecoronary heart disease sufferers and obtain some factors which have strongerrelations with early onset of coronary heart disease, thus offering favorableguidance in secondary prevention of coronary heart disease.3.Regarding studies in statistical approaches, multi-collinearity existsin TCM syndromes where distributions of variable values are mostly abnormal andnonlinear; different multivariate analysis methods have different pros and conswhen analyzing syndrome information. In real practices, it is advisable to takeinto consideration application of two or more multivariate analysis methods toimprove results’ reliability and validity.
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