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Translation Of The Economic Text From Functional Perspective

Posted on:2015-02-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C ZhangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
A Public Role for the Private Sector: Industry Self-Regulation in a Global Economy is a masterpiece of American scholar Virginia Haufler. This book discusses the economic phenomenon called self-discipline from multiple aspects. It analyzes changes of roles private enterprises play in international affairs and the relevant impact.This thesis is based on the present author’s endeavor in the translating of Foreword, Preface, Introduction and Chapter1of the original English work. The author analyzes the text type and linguistic features of the text from functional perspective and discusses the difficulties encountered in the process of translating through specific case studies on the levels of lexicon, syntax and texture.Guided by the functional translation theory, the present author discusses the strategies and skills applied in translating economic texts and tries to convey the original information completely and accurately to Chinese readers so as to achieve function and loyalty and realize the text’s function of communication.
Keywords/Search Tags:functional perspective, economic text, English-Chinese translation, case study
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