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An Empirical Study On MTI Students’Interpreting Failure

Posted on:2014-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425969388Subject:English interpretation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening-up of China, the international society has paid more attention to "China’s voice". All kinds of international negotiations need interpreters, and they ensure the various meetings developed smoothly. MTI plays an important role in the economic society, and also have great responsibilities in our diplomacy. Interpreting, as a kind of oral communication tools, helps people solve communication barriers, so that different background, language, and culture of people can communicate better. But people don’t have a deep understanding on interpretation. The task of interpretation is to link and transfer among different language and culture. It can make both sides communicate freely out of language barriers. Therefore, the requirements for interpreters are higher in today’s society. It needs a new young generation to work for this engagement.Master of translation and interpreting is a professional degree, which has been strongly developed in recent years. It is different from the academic graduates. The country wants to cultivate more talents with applied and practical experiences and these talents should make a contribution to China’s diplomatic career. However, the excellent interpreters also can make mistakes in the practice. Failure interpreting will result barriers in information transmission and understanding. MTI professional degree is just emerging and it is difficult for MTI students to pass the CATTI exam. Their translation ability needs to be further enhanced and improved. Based on the above reasons, this article aims to analysis the types of interpreting errors about MTI students and to discuss the causes and methods of interpretating errors. The author hopes that it can provide inspirations to the MTI students in the future.
Keywords/Search Tags:MTI, Interpreting failure, Empirical study
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