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Research On The Dynamics Of Japanese Animation Industry Development

Posted on:2014-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425959648Subject:Journalism and Communication
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Japanese animation industry is one of the most dynamic and internationallycompetitive industry in Japan. Derived from the Japanese animation industry ga mes,toys, the me parks and other industry has for med a global giant "animation valuechain." But also by the Japanese government to keep the overseas promotion ofcultural animation, ani mation industry has become Japan’s national image to enhanceand improve an important means of cultural soft power. The Japanese animationindustry from manufacturing powerhouse to cultural industries exporting country. Inthis paper, fully understand and analyze the Japanese animation industry on the basisof first-hand information, the use of communication studies, economics andma nage ment science and other disciplines, theories and methods, syste matic study ofJapanese animation industry development momentum; Specifically, the analysis ofJapanese ani mation industry constitutes a driving force for development, explore theJapanese animation industry power structure different stages of evolution,de monstrated the Japanese ani mation industry development of power generation,analysis of the Japanese ani mation industry development power operating principles,operating procedures and operating results.This paper argues that the dyna mics of Japanese ani mation industry developme ntmainly includes internal dyna mics and external dyna mics. Internal dyna mics is thefundame ntal reason and the external dynamics is important to the development ofJapanese ani mation industry. The internal dyna mics includes the audience pullingpower, market forces and product composition. External dyna mics includes politicaldyna mics, economic dyna mics, social dyna mics and technology dynamics. dyna micstructure of each stage in Japanese ani mation industry are different. The sevendyna mic factors are working together, forming Japanese animation industrydevelopme nt of the power system. The dyna mics of Japanese animation industrydevelopme nt is running adhere to market, resources, innovation and other basicprinciples.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japanese animation industry, dynamics, development
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