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"The Peony Pavilion" Adverbs

Posted on:2014-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425957513Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"The Peony Pavilion" opera one of the representative works ofTang’s, because of its progressive nature of the thinking at the time had a hugesocial impact. Modern academic study of "The Peony Pavilion" is a lot, but mostlyfocused on artistic expression or characterization, very little study of the languagesyntax."Peony Pavilion" language combines the strengths of the Opera languagesof the South and the North, and Bin White character-identity, image, colloquialhigher degree, be able to compare a true reflection of the society at that time the useof the language. Therefore, the adverb "The Peony Pavilion" is a larger space andresearch value.This paper uses a static description and dynamic comparative study, qualitativedescription and quantitative analysis, representation and interpretation combined,and strive to achieve informative adequate theory, and make a multi-facetedresearch.of the adverb of "The Peony Pavilion"This paper consists of the following four parts:One to compare you scholars on the definition, classification of adverbs, combinedwith the actual situation of the "Peony Pavilion" adverbs adverbs from syntax,pragmatics, semantics definition, and divide the appropriate adverb small class;Second, the static description of the book adverbs. Category Descriptionmainly in accordance with subclasses emphasize those features and semanticmeaning of each adverb grammatical functions;Third, the comparative study history. Reference to the the Unabridged Chinese,of adverbs in the book follows the ancient, medieval adverbs and use modernadverbs to sort out the last statistical data presented in tabular form;IV, the conclusion. Against the the static depiction statement research statisticsand historical comparisons, summarized the characteristics in the use of adverbs of"The Peony Pavilion".
Keywords/Search Tags:"The Peony Pavilion", Adverbs, Syntax functionalcharacteristics, Semantic meaning
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