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On Image Narrative Of The Novels Of Chi Zi-jian

Posted on:2014-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425957181Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chi Zi-jian was a female writer insisting poetic writing in the contemporary literary circles. Her novels were good at choosing and using the images which were rich in Individual life color to construct the colorful image world. She dug image, the traditional aesthetic category, which possessed the function of life poetry and narrative aesthetics, expressed the appreciation and understanding based on the experience of individual life, Highlighted the unique understanding of Art. Thus making image narrative, the narrative theory possessing the Chinese national spirit and Chinese feature, was well played and displayed in the writing practice.From the perspective of narration, the article rounding the image narrative in the novels of Chi Zi-jian, to grasp the aesthetic function of image narrative, which mainly included four aspects:The first part mainly analyzed the types of image narrative in the novels of Chi Zi-jian, including natural images, myth images, social images. The narration was based on the grasp of life of the individual feelings and creation subject. From the point of view of meaning reference of narrative image, the second part analyzed Chi Zi-jian’s exploration to the rule of life value, the insistence of position of folk culture, the unremitting pursuit of truth, kindness and beauty with the courage of facing reality, the persistence to natural view of harmony between man and nature, to the confluent and open-minded view of life and death. From the point of view of function of narrative image, the third part analyzed Chi Zi-jian how to dredge the narrative threads,dye and sublime theme, construct poetic atmosphere of image narrative in her novels, explore the ideal life realm created by Chi Zi-jian. From the point of view of aesthetic connotation of narrative image, the fourth part analyzed the sorrowful, implicit and ethereal aesthetic connotation of embodied in the image narrative in her novels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chi Zi-jian, image narrative, life, poetic
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