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Study On The Competitiveness Of The Cultural Industry In The City Of Wuhu

Posted on:2014-09-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W G ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330425477863Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The report of The eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China stressed:"Culture is the lifeblood of a nation, is the spiritual home of the people. To build comparatively well-off society in the round, realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we must promote socialist cultural development and prosperity, rise a new upsurge in socialist cultural construction, enhance the national cultural soft power, make it be the role of leading the fashion, educating people, service Sociology, promote the development of China." Anhui province is also emphasized in "cultural reform and development the12th Five-Year Plan" period, although the overall strength of the cultural industry in Anhui province increased, the overall strength and competitiveness significantly improve, become a pillar industry of the national economy.But the reform of the cultural system still needs deepening, culture also need to further emancipate and develop the productive forces. As one of the Anhui economic and cultural center, the development of Wuhu cultural industry influence of cultural industry in Anhui province is very important. Based on the summary of domestic cultural industry, in accordance with the design of the cultural industry competitiveness index system, analyzes the cultural industry competitiveness of Anhui province cities of the elements, from the seven aspects of cultural competitiveness factors, cultural market competitive factors, cultural production factors, public cultural consumption competitiveness elements, talent and creative competence factor, government cultural competitive factors, cultural resources and infrastructure factors analysis the advantages and disadvantages of Wuhu in Anhui Province cultural industry competitiveness. This paper analyzes the competitiveness of cultural industry development of Wuhu city has the following problems:industry awareness is relatively weak, the industrial structure is not reasonable; cultural service dominant position is not strong, park construction lack of policy support; the talent and technology constraints, lack of advantage industries; the low cultural level of consumption, restricted the development of cultural industry. In view of the above problems, put forward to accelerate the competitiveness of cultural industry development of Wuhu City, countermeasures and suggestions: deepen the reform of the cultural system, adjust the industrial structure of culture; construction of public service platform, the implementation of the project driven strategy; improve the training policy, improve the investment and financing policies; to increase government investment, international cultural "aircraft carrier".
Keywords/Search Tags:city of Wuhu, the cultural industry, competitiveness
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