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Research On The Competitiveness Of Jinan City's Cultural Industry

Posted on:2017-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2355330509452090Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
China's economy development has entered a new normality, with increasing downward slip accompanied by insufficient upward drive. Transformation and upgrades of the industrial structure has become an important measure to cope with the new economic normality while promoting healthy and stable growth of China's economy. Culture Industry, as a main component of Chinese Industry, can promote economic growth while improving citizen's life quality at the same time. In the newest 13 th Five-Year planning, the federal government has clearly stated its intent for cultural industry to become the industry of the new era to support national economic development. As the capital of Shandong Province, the city of Jinan'sCultural Industry development has been relatively slow. In the phase of transformed economic development and national industrial policy, ways to enhance the competitiveness of Jinan's Cultural Industry, so that it becomes a leading industry to aid the development of the city' economy, is an important theme of promoting economic growth in the city of Jinan.This paper firstly summarizes both domestic and foreign literature reviews of cultural industry competitiveness, and performs the Diamond model based on the theories of industrial competitiveness as well as culture industry. The model investigates the main influencing factors of the cultural industry, thus laying down the foundation for the analysis of Jinan's cultural industry competitiveness. Then, through the use of Fishbone Diagram and SWOT analysis method, this paper makes specific analysis on the development of cultural industry in the city of Jinan, so as to detect the advantages,disadvantages, opportunities and challenges of the city's cultural industry. Then, using the Diamond model again, this paper evaluates Jinan's cultural industry competitiveness and analyzes nearly 14 years of development trend of the cultural industry of Jinan.Based on relevant data, the paper makes comparisons between Jinan and the 21 vice provincial city on a comprehensive competitiveness scale, and further examines Jinanand the 21 vice provincial city by using the Cluster Analysis method. Finally through the super efficiency DEA, this paper compares the key indicators of cultural output efficiency of Jinan and other cities' cultural industry over a span of 14 years. In summary,this paper puts forward suggestions to improve the competitiveness of cultural industry from six aspects, including governmental factors, production factors, demand conditions,related and supporting industries, firm strategy and innovation.Research show that the city of Jinan's Cultural Industry demonstrated a rapid growth trend in recent years, indicating that the newly introduced “29 policies” have played a positive role in Jinan's Cultural Industry development. However, judging by the overall competitiveness, it scored lower compared to other cities, reflecting its position as a mediocre competitor. From the analysis of the output efficiency, the city of Jinan's Cultural Industry output efficiency is ranked higher relative to other cities, and its ability of source integration is also relatively fair.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jinan city, Cultural Industry, Competitiveness
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