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On Morandi’s Art Form

Posted on:2014-06-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H LiaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Morandi’s painting languages are different from the picture structure to the manifestation and normal visual aesthetic.Many scholars held several views in the study of Morandi’s visual schema.The art form is very special. For Morandi, theme is the shape of an object and the picture is special visual carrier. From a simple object that painters change real objects into lines, geometric shape and the structure of the painting. The expression of language is limitless. This is why Morandi won respect in the art world, His life is in such a narrow range but still does not lose its great,Which is a contemporary problem that Chinese artist are thinking.Through the study of Morandi’s artistic style, We can expand our visual limitation, the challenge of observation and self-expression, as well as deepen the understanding of the structure of graphics. In the creative practice and art teaching we can gradually change their concepts, and expand our artistic vision, which makes the works change fundamentally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Morandi, Graphic form, still life
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