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Western "Chinese" Documentary In Cross-Cultural Research

Posted on:2015-01-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
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On " Chinese themes " in the international documentary has been a hot topic,"Chinese theme " the world is becoming a documentary,"Beloved." But for foreign "Chinese themes " less than documentary research.In this regard, this study of " Chinese themes " for the thesis research object, analyzesthe " Chinese themes " documentary showing in cross-cultural characteristics, bycomparison with the domestic cultural reasons, this difference explicit form foreignsystemic conclusion " Chinese themes " documentary cultural differences. Research papersadhere to the literature analysis, theoretical analysis, systems analysis as a research method.Trying to be analyzed by foreign " Chinese themes " actual documentary work, comparedwith the Chinese documentaries, documentaries to analyze China in the international arenahas long been " praised " the main reason. Innovation thesis is on cross-cultural differencesabroad " Chinese themes " documentary studies, showing the origins of Chinese culture,development and dissemination process differences, analyzes these differences affect theChinese culture as well as in foreign " China theme " documentary specific performance.Through analysis, we draw the following conclusions: The foreign " Chinese theme "The main difference between the Chinese mainland documentary similar themesdocumentary is a documentary on the subject of international choices are more diverse;severe dislocation of narrative time, with dispersion characteristics; focus individualisticoutlook on life; documentaries focus more on temporal and spatial concepts in the conceptof space; documentary filming seek truth rather than " good"; documentary shooting anglebased on audiences. Led the international " Chinese themes " documentary documentarycompared with China with the above characteristics, mainly because of cultural differencecaused. Its roots lie in the origins of cultural differences, Chinese farming culture has ledto the Chinese one yuan ideological characteristics, focusing on the concept of time whileignoring the concept of space, the pursuit of cooperative relations while ignoring personalvalues, focus on the pursuit of flawless moral standards while ignoring the objective truth. West is because the common development of various economic, business-orientedapproach, leading Westerners pay more attention to personal independence, focusingattention to the moment, concerned individuals, the real concern.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural origins, cross-cultural, Chinese themes, documentary
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