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The Tragic Horizon Which Is In Heidegger’s Philosophy

Posted on:2014-09-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401987622Subject:Foreign philosophy
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Although the form and connotation of Heidegger’s philosophy has a strongerfuzziness, but the tragic horizon and political is remarkable in Heidegger’s expression:Heidegger had told Karl L with, his concept of "historic" is rooted in the "politicaldevote". This thesis attempts to analyze the tragic horizon which is in Heidegger’sphilosophy, in order to make a better political reading of Heidegger’s philosophy.Because of his thought is profound, Heidegger’s writings had become a lot ofacademic research’s object. Indeed, to make a political reading of Heidegger’sphilosophy and reveals its political ideas is only one direction in the study ofHeidegger’s philosophy, but without the direction, the work of study Heidegger’sphilosophy is not complete. Because we never imagine there have no political ideas inthe philosophy which is so deeply rooted in time and has a great impact on laterphilosophy: in this meaning, Heidegger’s philosophy itself is political.In Heidegger’s philosophy, both those theory like make a decision, living to dead,the call of conscience in Heidegger’s earlier book of "Being And Time" andHeidegger’s explanation of Heraclitus, Nietzsche, Plato, or his thinking of technical,language, poetizing and thinking after his "mysterious turn", the tragic horizon isinevitable. So, in "Only Have A God Can Save Us", Heidegger said:" philosophy willbe unable to effect any immediate change in the current state of the world. This is truenot only of philosophy but of all purely human reflection and endeavor. Only a godcan save us. The only possibility available to us is that by thinking and poetizing weprepare a readiness for the appearance of a god, or for the absence of a god in [our]decline, insofar as in view of the absent god we are in a state of decline." In thismeaning, analyze the tragic horizon which is in Heidegger’s philosophy, this work isan important aspect in the political reading of Heidegger’s philosophy.Since Nietzsche’s "The Birth Of Tragedy", the study of tragedy had entered a newage. In recent years, on the study of tragedy, Strauss school——consisted of LeoStrauss and his students——developed the direction of political philosophy, theythink the tragic horizon is a basic style of human’s existence; they believe the tragichorizon was clear display in Greece’s philosophy, Plato’s cave theory and it deeply rooted in the time and human existence. Analyze the tragic horizon which is inHeidegger’s philosophy, can let us see the tragic horizon embodied in Heidegger’sphilosophy, and then make us have a deeply understanding of tragedy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heidegger’s philosophy, tragic horizon, Dasein, being’s selfshielding
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