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The Study Of Consensus Issues In The Horizon Of Philosophy

Posted on:2019-12-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1365330572954261Subject:Marxist philosophy
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The division of interests and divergence of values between the subjects often lead to serious conflicts and splits,threatening the existence and development of the subjects.To a certain extent,within a certain scope,and among certain subjects,ifferent consensus can be formed,which can ease conflicts,bridge divisions and achieve winwin cooperation and peaceful development.From the horizon of philosophy,strengthen the consensus and consensus issue and consensus theory research,help to build a whole system of Chinese consensus theory,helps to deepen the consensus subject research,and helps to condense social consensus and strengthen the “four confidence”.At the same time,it will help China solve social conflicts,promote the harmonious development of individuals and society,and provide a better spiritual home for individuals.This article is composed of three parts: the introduction,the five chapters and the conclusion.The introductory part discusses the background and significance of the research,the current research situation at home and abroad,research methods,research ideas,academic goals,innovations and difficulties.We study the origin of consensus theory,the nature of consensus,the classification of consensus,the operation and development of consensus,and the way to build contemporary China's social consensus in the five chapters.In the concluding part,the prospect of building a consensus is prospected.In the first chapter,the theory of consensus is traced.We pay attention to the germination of consensus thought before modern times,analyze the development of consensus thought since modern times,and study the prosperity of current and contemporary consensus thought.Before modern China,the pursuit of the “Great Harmony”world on the goal of value,the implementation of the “harmony in diversity”,“Ban from hundred philosophers,venerate Confucianism”,showed the germination of consensus thought.In the west before modern times,the pursuit of the beautiful world,such as “ the Republic”,“Sun City”,“Utopia” and “Christchurch”,also revealed the bud of consensus thought.In modern China,facing the aggression of the western countries,it has become the main consensus of all social subjects to save the country from extinction and achieve revolutionary independence.In the modern west,Marx and Engels founded scientific socialism,and their ideas of communism gradually became the consensus of the proletariat.Since the May 4th Movement,the idea of consensus has gradually flourished.In China,Mao Zedong Thought,Deng Xiaoping theory,the Important Thought of Three Represents,Scientific Development Concept and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics for a New Era contain rich consensus ideas.In the west,consensus theories such as “overlapping consensus”,“negotiating consensus” and “moral consensus” have emerged.The second chapter studies the essence of consensus.By defining the concept of consensus and the two concepts closely related to it,analyzing the subjects of consensus,studying the starting point,premise and realization of consensus,summarizing the characteristics of consensus and so on,and deeply reveals the essence of consensus.The concept of “consensus” and its closely related concepts such as “consensus issue” and “consensus theory” are defined.According to the form,scope and level of the consensus,the subjects of consensus,such as the human subject,the state subject,the community subject and the individual subject are analyzed.We point out that the concrete historical person is the starting point of consensus,the existence of differences is the premise of consensus,and the way of consensus includes rational way and coercive way.This paper analyses the relativity,class nature and intersubjectivity of the consensus.The third chapter divides the consensus into categories.The consensus is classified according to the standards of subject,content,level,nature and way of existence.The consensus is divided into human consensus,state consensus,national consensus and political party consensus on the basis of the main body.According to the content,the consensus is divided into economic consensus,political consensus,cultural consensus,social consensus and ecological civilization consensus.According to the level,the consensus is divided into value consensus,procedural consensus and policy consensus.According to the nature and the way of existence,the consensus is divided into correct consensus,wrong consensus,true consensus and false consensus.The fourth chapter studies the working and development of consensus.Consensus is always associated with the activities of the human beings,and has its own generation mechanism,motive power,evaluation mechanism and maintenance mechanism.The formation mechanism of consensus includes the establishment of platform,step by step,leading and pluralistic.The motive power includes internal power,basic power and direct power.The evaluation mechanism includes determining the subject of evaluation,selecting evaluation criteria and establishing the principle of evaluation.The maintenance mechanism includes the incentive mechanism,the restraint mechanism and the expansion mechanism.The fifth chapter studies the way to build the social consensus of contemporary China.Through empirical research and comprehensive analysis,this paper summarizes the experience and lessons on the issue of consensus of China since 1949,points out the opportunities and challenges of building the contemporary Chinese consensus,and puts forward the path of it.The main lessons learned on consensus are that they are bound by the “left-leaning” and “right-leaning” thoughts,to gather all social subjects with wrong consensus and false consensus,or to relax the attention to the consensus issue.The experience on the consensus issue is mainly to condense the consensus from the philosophical,theoretical and strategic levels.The opportunities to build consensus are expressed in two aspects: the strength of emerging market countries has increased,China's contribution to the world economy has elevated,and China's international discourse rights has increased in the world,and the concepts of prosperity,democracy,civilization,harmony and beauty are gradually achieved at home.The challenges faced by the construction of the consensus are reflected in the insufficient economic development imbalance,the long distance of democratic construction,the conflict of values in the cultural field,the emergence of new contradictions in the field of social construction,and the serious ecological environment crisis.It is proposed to take economic prosperity,political democracy,cultural identity,social harmony and ecological beauty as the path to build the contemporary Chinese consensus.In the concluding part,the paper looks forward to the prospect of building a domestic consensus and international consensus.We look forward to the prospect of building domestic consensus and international consensus.It is suggested that the various subjects should respect the differences and overcome the prejudice,through the accumulation of time,the trial and error of the system and the practice of running-in in order to form the consensus of contemporary China with more content and wider scope.At the same time,opening our minds and expanding our horizons and communicating with other countries in the position of equal subjects can expand our consensus and build the community of human destiny with all peoples.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Horizon of Philosophy, Epistemology, Consensus
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