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On Text Analysis And Translation Strategies

Posted on:2014-05-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330401985109Subject:English translation
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Christiane Nord, one of the representatives of the functionalism, put forward herfamous text analysis theory in the1980s, which aims to provide a model of STanalysis, which can be applied to all texts and translation process. The key points ofST analysis are intratexual factors and extratextual factors. Under the guidance ofNord’s translation-oriented text analysis theory, the translator probes into thetranslation strategies adopted in the translation of wine texts. The introduction partgives a brief description of the ST about its contents and focuses on the necessity ofNord’s translation-oriented text analysis in adopting translation strategies. There arealtogether four parts of the report’s main body. Part one analyzes the extratextualfactors of the ST. The text consists of the first two chapters of a French wine bookentitled Cognec, and the translation of it will be used as a reference for French wineresearch. The initiator of the translation process and the TT receiver is the same winetaster. Other related extratextual factors include historical, religious and geologicalfactors. Part two analyzes the intratextual information of the ST, which mainlyincludes lexis and sentence structure. A multitude of names, toponyms, and grapenames appear in the text, as well as a number of long, compound sentences. Part threeis the analysis and demonstration of the specific translation strategies in thetranslation process including paraphrases, notes, transliteration, etc. Through manyspecific examples, it demonstrates the guiding function of the text analysis theory inthe translation of wine texts. Part four is the conclusion part,together with somelimitations of this report and suggestions for further study. For example, this reportonly focuses on some key points.Factors like medium, non-verbal elements,suprasegmental features are not taken into consideration.
Keywords/Search Tags:wine, text analysis, intratextual factors, extratextual factors
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