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Intial Exploration Of Ruslan’s Characters In Glinka’s Opera Ruslan And Ludmilla

Posted on:2014-02-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Q TongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mihail Ivanovich Glinka only created two operas in his life. The first opera is Ivan Susanin, and the second one is Russlan and Ludmilla. This work was created from Year1837to Year1842, and based on a narrative poem by the master of Russian literature----Pushkin who overcame many difficulties, and finally established Russian folk myths and opera pattern with five years. The myth epic Russlan and Ludmilla which is set in Russian Kievan State, paves the way to create more beautiful music for Glinka.Russlan and Ludmilla is a romantic opera. The story derived from beautiful old legend. It is an opera script with five scenes which was created by seven people, such as composer, based on narrative poems by Pushkin. The opera describes a story that knight Ruslan goes through hardships and dangers to rescue his fiancee Princess Ludmilla in danger under the help of the wizard Fein and is full of bizarre fantasy and mysterious adventure. His works are characteristic with the chorus, solo and arias of the Russian style through using folk creation principle, mastering sonata form and the development of theme, among which, the prelude is most famous. In addition, some famous aria, such as Persian Chorus, and some arias of Russlan and Ludmilla are still popular in the music stage around the world.This paper studies carefully the cause of Russlan’s characters----eep emotions, positive and optimistic, tolerant and brave in the opera of Russlan and Ludmilla from the point of the subjective and objective factors which have effect on people’s characters, musical analysis of character and dramaticism of character with the pointcut of the analysis of characters through concrete analysis and overall research. This paper strives to put forward some own views about characters and musical Image of Russlan.
Keywords/Search Tags:Glinka, Russlan and Ludmilla, Russlan, deep emotions, positive and optimistic, tolerant and merciful, characters, subjective andobjective factors, dramaticism
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